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fox sat and BT youview

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    Bill J

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    Hi, I've had a foxsat for a couple of years and works brilliantly. Just got BT Vision in readiness for the football and found that if I plug in my Foxsat and BT box at the same time to the network they both stop working! I've changed the IP address of the BT box to make sure it wasn't clashing, but no luck. Anyone any ideas? Thanks in advance!!

    | Sun 14 Jul 2013 21:56:15 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    I have a Foxsat HDR and a Youview box (and other AV kit) connected to my BT Home Hub 3 router via an ethernet switch with no problems. Have you logged into your Home Hub to see what it thinks is going on?

    | Sun 14 Jul 2013 22:20:27 #2 |


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    Fixed ip addresses set on a piece of equipment are not a good idea. Much better to make address reservations on a dhcp server (usually your router). You mention that "Just got BT Vision in readiness for the football" Is it set to the sane local network as before?

    | Mon 15 Jul 2013 5:59:32 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    Ah yes! If the Foxsat had previously had its IP address set manually and it still is then I suggest you set both the Foxsat and the Youview to Auto detect mode and let the Home Hub router allocate the addresses as that is the device that is totally aware of what is connected.

    I assume you *are* using the Home Hub supplied by BT and not your own third party router?

    | Mon 15 Jul 2013 7:55:30 #4 |
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    If you want to set fixed IP addresses always do it in the router (after the device has connected) rather than the device itself.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2013 10:40:27 #5 |
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    Bill J

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    OK thanks, I'll revert back to auto detect when I get back in and post out what happens.

    | Mon 15 Jul 2013 12:25:14 #6 |

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