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Foxsat HDR front panel

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    Another Foxsat HDR problem. I have one which switches on and powers up but the tv display has the loader page and the message "uploading" - it's stuck on that screen. Message below says press the standby button to restart but it just reverts to the same message. I swapped the front panel to another Foxsat HDR which has a crack in the front panel but no ther faults; the "uploading" fault transferred to the second machine.

    My guess this is a firmware fault, perhaps due to faulty firmware memory. Anybody come across this one and am I correct - does it need a new front panel pcb?

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 14:01:56 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    batteryman - 57 seconds ago  » 
    Another Foxsat HDR problem. I have one which switches on and powers up but the tv display has the loader page and the message uploading - it's stuck on that screen. Message bolow says press thestandby button to restart but it just reverts to the same message. I swapped the front panel to another Foxsat HDR which has a crack in the front panel but no ther faults; the "uploading" fault transferred to the second machine.
    My guess this is a firmware fault, perhaps due to faulty firmware memory. Anybody come across this one and am I correct - does it need a new front panel pcb?

    Try opening the box and disconnecting the Hard Disk Power and Data connections.

    If the box then boots as a non recording box then it likely needs a new hard disk.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 14:04:40 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply. As I said, this box was working perfectly until I swapped the front panel because it was cracked so I don't think the hard disk is faulty but suspect the front panel pcb is. I will change it for a tested disk (Seagate Seatools) and report back but it's not a high priority at the moment.

    | Thu 25 Apr 2019 14:30:54 #3 |
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    Update on this post. I tried disconnecting the hard drive cables and switching on again - no difference. I also changed the front panel pcb into a front panel moulding with no cracks and fitted that then reconnected the hard disk. The Foxsat works perfectly - I also updated the firmware and now have a working unit with no front panel cracks and the latest (manufacturer's) firmware.

    I also now have another unit with cracked front panel and faulty pcb but otherwise working. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement, used front panel? Incidentally, the only component I can see on the front panel pcb which may be faulty is the display panel. Is this the only active component on the board?

    | Tue 30 Apr 2019 15:23:48 #4 |

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