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Foxsat HDR Locking-up

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    My Foxsat HDR 100GB is locking up when using the EPG. The only way to restore any operation is to cycle power at wall socket.

    Software: HPRSFC1 1.00.17 / 20SEP2011.

    I have done a factory reset & checked for updated software but it says non available. The problem persists daily.



    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 20:16:19 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Googlewack - 19 minutes ago  » 
    My Foxsat HDR 100GB is locking up when using the EPG. The only way to restore any operation is to cycle power at wall socket.
    Software: HPRSFC1 1.00.17 / 20SEP2011.

    You are looking for

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 20:36:49 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, if you see my second post, your solution is not possible as the machine will not accept usb access. Any ideas regards that issue?



    | Thu 5 Apr 2012 20:20:06 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Googlewack - 58 minutes ago  » 
    Unfortunately, if you see my second post, your solution is not possible as the machine will not accept usb access.

    Your other post does not make it clear what you are trying to do with the FAT32 drives. If you are trying to apply a software update are you following the instructions to the letter?

    1. Download the software from the Humax website.

    2. Change the file name to “FOXSAT-HDR_upgrade.hdf”.

    3. Connect the USB memory stick to the PC and copy the file to a root folder of the USB.

    4. Place the product into standby mode (using the STANDBY button on the remote control or the STANDBY button on the front of the product)

    Note: The update will not download correctly if you are currently recording

    5. Pull out the USB memory stick and connect the USB to the front panel of FOXSAT-HDR.

    6. Press and hold the STANDBY button on the front of the product. The product will now start up and the download process should start, please keep the STANDBY button held in for 30 seconds and then release. The following screen should appear on the TV set while the download takes place.

    | Thu 5 Apr 2012 21:21:29 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Googlewack - 1 day ago  » 
    My Foxsat HDR 100GB is locking up when using the EPG. The only way to restore any operation is to cycle power at wall socket.
    Software: HPRSFC1 1.00.17 / 20SEP2011.
    I have done a factory reset & checked for updated software but it says non available. The problem persists daily.

    If you can't update manually then instead of pressing guide, press the schedule button on the remote then the red button to display the epg

    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 8:52:04 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 9 seconds ago  » 

    Googlewack - 1 day ago  » 
    My Foxsat HDR 100GB is locking up when using the EPG. The only way to restore any operation is to cycle power at wall socket.
    Software: HPRSFC1 1.00.17 / 20SEP2011.
    I have done a factory reset & checked for updated software but it says non available. The problem persists daily.

    If you can't update manually then instead of pressing guide, press the schedule button on the remote then the red button to display the epg

    The update should make it to the OTA before too long, when that happens your box will update automatically provided you leave it in sby overnight.

    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 8:53:23 #6 |
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    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your assistance. Originally I was intending to upload some photos & try to downolad a recorded programme. However, as stated as soon as I insert the usb device & the machine tries to recognise it or do whatever it does when you plug a drive in, it puts up the message 'unable to read etc etc.....' so it would appear to me to be irrelevant what I'm doing as the machine won't recognise the usb.

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.



    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 14:00:11 #7 |
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    Dear Graham,

    Thanks also for your input. Hope OTA is available soon....



    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 14:01:17 #8 |
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    I tried the manual update & as suspected it did not work. Following the instructions, USB inserted, start & hold SBY switch for 30 sec etc.....Box started up then shut down again as I was holding switch (It did not see USB).


    1. PC.JPG (119.7 KB, 0 downloads) 12 years old
    2. TV.JPG (73.9 KB, 0 downloads) 12 years old
    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 19:57:56 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    There are some chipsets used on USB sticks that the foxsat has problems with. Not found one myself I have 3 different ones and they all work. Best advice try another one.

    | Fri 6 Apr 2012 20:54:44 #10 |

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