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Foxsat HDR - pause delay

(6 posts)
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    I've used my HDR with three Samsung TVs, no issues. Just got new Samsung 40" Smart TV, all works fine, but there is now a 1-2 second delay when I press the HDRs Pause button. I'm baffled, how can a tv cause this?? I'd greatly appreciate any clues or guidance offered. Thank you.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 10:37:18 #1 |
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    Joined: Apr '21
    Posts: 33


    I'm experiencing something similar with my Foxsat HDR. It's running the latest custom firmware (with the Web interface). It's connected to my Bose soundbar via HDMI which is then connected to my LG 48" A series TV. When I press the pause button the picture freezes but the sound continues for about 3-4 seconds before it stops. It's very annoying but I suspect my setup here is having a big effect. It may take a lot of unpicking to get to the bottom of this.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 11:53:31 #2 |
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    Thanks for your reply. I just checked again - delay was still 1 second, maybe 2 at max. Then tried with another recording - no delay at all! Curiouser and curiouser.. The obvious difference was that the delay was with a BBC HD recording, the normal, instant pause with an SD one. Certainly never happened before new tv. OK, an HD file is much larger, but I'm still baffled how a display device can affect operating the signal origin. I'd have thought data, etc flowed entirely one way - from HDR to TV.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 13:54:28 #3 |
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    Thanks for your reply. I just checked again - delay was still 1 second, maybe 2 at max. Then tried with another recording - no delay at all! Curiouser and curiouser.. The obvious difference was that the delay was with a BBC HD recording, the normal, instant pause with an SD one. Certainly never happened before new tv. OK, an HD file is much larger, but I'm still baffled how a display device can affect operating the signal origin. I'd have thought data, etc flowed entirely one way - from HDR to TV.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 13:56:26 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    I forget but can you set up the HDR remote control to control the TV? And is this what you have done? Wondering if the Pause key has been hi-jacked by the new TV set which is then sending a CEC command to the HDR which may explain there being a slight delay.

    | Thu 28 Dec 2023 21:54:18 #5 |
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    Thanks, Gomezz, that's a good thought, I'll certainly check it out when I go over the East Wing later

    | Fri 29 Dec 2023 9:40:24 #6 |

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