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FoxSat-HDR Picture suddenly expands vertically

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    Hi ... I have two FoxSat HDR boxes in my house, both with latest software. One is connected to a Sony TV and never gives any problems. The other drives a Panasonic TV which is about 4 years old and has an annoying problem where the vertical aspect of the picture (including the Foxsat Menus, Guide etc) suddenly expands so that images are stretched vertically by around 30% (thats a guess). This seems to be fine on normal TV content and tends to be more prevalent when viewing wide screen movies (but it can happen very occasionally on normal TV content e.g. if broadcasting a movie clip).
    The Panasonic itself does not appear to have any menu items to control the vertical format (AFAIK) so all my experimentation has to focus on the Foxsat. I have the picture format options set to 16:9 widescreen and that seems to be all I can do in the Foxsat menus. The V-Format button on the remote switches the format between 576i/p, 720p and 1080i, and after hitting this button, the screen goes back OK for a maybe a few seconds (not always predictably) before going into the expanded vertical problematic mode .. the same problem does occur with all the V-Format modes. As I said, this only seems to happen on wide screen movies where there is a black band top and bottom. If I stop viewing such a movie and go back to a normal broadcast signal, the screen jumps back to normal.
    Can anyone explain this behaviour or it is just a problem with the panasonic that I have to live with ? It almost seems that the TV has got some logic within that is trying to fill the glass with the picture.


    | Tue 5 Aug 2014 9:38:26 #1 |
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    special member
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    Try swapping round your Foxsat HDR's. If the problem still prevails with the Panny then it's definitely the TV at fault.

    | Tue 5 Aug 2014 17:07:00 #2 |
  3. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    What settings are their on the Panny to control aspect ratio switching? Sounds like it is set to some kind of auto.

    | Tue 5 Aug 2014 17:52:12 #3 |

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