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FoxSat HDR remote Control

(3 posts)
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    Joined: Jul '12
    Posts: 19


    Hi good people on this forum, I have a problem that I am unable to resolve and need your help. It concerns the remote control of my FOXSAT HDR (500Gb) about 18 months old, bought direct from Humax, so out of warranty.Inside the battery cover is the code MDB1.3. The PVR red light, when depressing any button lights dimly and flashes at about 10Hz for about 5 seconds, then go to full brightness and increases to about 20Hz, then it will operate the Humax box. I have dismantled the remote, no obvious faults found. Replaced the batteries several times, all to no avail. Also when then selecting the TV button (ready to switch off the TV), the red lights pulse from left to right twice and then go out, i.e. PVR, TV, DVD and then AUDIO lights come on in sequence twice. What's going on and how do I cure it?
    Looking for a cure, Best regards, Martin.

    | Tue 10 Sep 2013 10:20:45 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 936


    One thought is that the replacement batteries you have tried are cheap, slightly out of spec jobbies off the market of unknown provenance and storage history?

    You should also try leaving the batteries out for several minutes or even overnight to prompt the remote control to reset (means setting it up with your TV again).

    | Tue 10 Sep 2013 11:02:08 #2 |
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    Joined: Jul '12
    Posts: 19


    Hi Gomezz, thanks for your reply. Definitely not connected to the battery quality, have tried several makes from Cheapo to Duracell. that does not affect the remote response. However if the batteries are removed and/or replaced, the remote behaves itself for a few hours. I have not tried resetting the remote, that might be the next step. But I suspect that the remote control processor is dying or an onboard capacitor is leaking.

    | Tue 10 Sep 2013 12:09:34 #3 |

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