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Foxsat watch/record problem

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    I am unable to watch one channel while recording another channel on humax foxsat hdr.One sat cable to lnb 1 and loop through lnb1 out to lnb2 in.
    HDMI to Sony TV.

    | Thu 24 Aug 2023 17:47:58 #1 |
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    If connecting with a single cable using loop through, you will have limited functionality.
    While recording a channel you will be limited to the second channel you can view.

    Please would you give more details, and examples, to explain what the issue is.

    | Thu 24 Aug 2023 18:15:38 #2 |
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    special member
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    Hi Donny123,

    Very simple solution: change your lnb from single to either twin or better still quad (4 way) or 6/8 giving ample room for expansion. You don't have to use extra feeds, but they are there when you need them. A single feed is very limited, but easy to change if you are able to do this, or arrange a installer to change it for you. Prices are not that expensive for lnb (diy) kits, but maybe expensive if you book an engineer. Hope this advice helps you.
    John L

    | Fri 25 Aug 2023 11:34:48 #3 |
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    Many thanks for the replies.

    I've connected 2nd feed to Foxsat HDR (lnb2) as I found 2nd feed in the loft from lnb, as you suggetted. Two seperate feeeds to lnb1 and lnb2 on the Foxsat.

    Reset the hdr and manually retune the Foxsat (also auto tune).

    Now I can record 2 programs simultaneously (BBC and ITV etc)but I am unable to watch any channel as all other chanels are grayed out and inaccessible.I used to be able to record 2 chanels and watch another chanel before but not now.

    Any idea pls ?

    Thanks in advance.

    | Sun 27 Aug 2023 17:14:41 #4 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Hi Donny123,

    Everything should work correctly if your 2 feeds from your lnb are connected correctly from your dish. Feed should be connected to lnb 1 & 2 input only. Not anything connected to lnb output? You mention manual retune. Why not do a full auto retune and see if this fixes your problem? Other than that, maybe a faulty lnb? John L

    | Sun 27 Aug 2023 18:19:14 #5 |

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