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Freesport on Humax YouView ?

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    new member
    Joined: Feb '16
    Posts: 3


    Is Freeport available on the YouView box? I've tried 94 and 802, but not there, any suggestions?


    | Thu 6 Sep 2018 16:30:45 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 1,499


    Possibly, if you mean the channel called 'FreeSports'. That's providing your aerial can pick it up.
    Whether your youview box can display the FreeSports channel will depend on your aerial and your location. Not everyone's aerial in their location can receive the COM8 group of channels which 'FreeSports' is a part of.

    To see whether your location can receive it put in you postcode into this link and keep 'detailed view' ticked. If the 'COM8 HD' colour for your transmitter is shown as green then you are in a suitable location.
    Some people who are 'green' for COM8 HD will also need an aerial change.

    If your aerial can receive it then it would appear on channel 95.

    | Thu 6 Sep 2018 16:47:21 #2 |

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