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Freeview Play Question

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    I want to watch the documentary, The Mitfords: A Tale of Two Sisters, which, according this webpage:

    is to be aired on UKTV at 11am on February 16. But when I access UKTV through the app in the 5000T and search for:


    I get no results. Same with the TV Guide.

    And UKTV's own schedule has it down for 4pm on Feb 20th, rather than the 16th.

    How can I discover which is correct and will the 5000T record it like a normal terrestrially aired programme or must it be watched live?

    I don't normally use these web channels.


    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 13:22:16 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    You can't record any streamed content only view it.

    A search under Sisters finds a A Tale Of Two Sisters. The Mitfords is Series One Episode 2. You can stream it anytime you want to watch it.

    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 13:34:28 #2 |
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    Marius - 26 minutes ago  » ... to be aired on UKTV at 11am on February 16. But when I access UKTV through the app in the 5000T and search for:
    .... Same with the TV Guide.

    Freeview boxes only know about events up to 8 days ahead.
    - set a manual recording
    - wait until today's date is within 8 days of the broadcast before setting the recording

    It looks as though it is being made available earlier than it is being broadcast.

    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 14:06:28 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    I think the OP is confused. The programme is on Yesterday (Ch 19) so when it is broadcast live it should be recordable like any other. There is no channel named UK TV in the epg only the on demand app. The first 3 episodes are available now using the UK TV app.

    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 14:21:00 #4 |
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    grahamlthompson - 7 hours ago  » 
    I think the OP is confused. The programme is on Yesterday (Ch 19) so when it is broadcast live it should be recordable like any other. There is no channel named UK TV in the epg only the on demand app. The first 3 episodes are available now using the UK TV app.

    That's great news - I'm just about to watch it, many thanks - you too Luke!

    But as for recording it on Yesterday - their schedule only shows episode 3 upcoming:

    I want episode 2. Maybe I've missed my chance?

    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 22:03:10 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Marius - 2 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 7 hours ago  » 
    I think the OP is confused. The programme is on Yesterday (Ch 19) so when it is broadcast live it should be recordable like any other. There is no channel named UK TV in the epg only the on demand app. The first 3 episodes are available now using the UK TV app.

    That's great news - I'm just about to watch it, many thanks - you too Luke!
    But as for recording it on Yesterday - their schedule only shows episode 3 upcoming:
    I want episode 2. Maybe I've missed my chance?

    They may well repeat it in the future. At least you can watch it now

    There are in fact some ways of recording streamed content but generally you need a old fashioned VCR/DVD recorder connected to your box analogue outputs. If you have such a device still working then it may be possible to record the stream externally. The quality won't be brilliant but as the content is SD and 4:3 it may well be OK.

    | Fri 2 Feb 2018 22:13:50 #6 |
  7. gomezz


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    grahamlthompson - 18 hours ago  » 
    I think the OP is confused. The programme is on Yesterday (Ch 19) so when it is broadcast live it should be recordable like any other. There is no channel named UK TV in the epg only the on demand app

    Just to clarify UKTV Play is the app / web site that provides online / catch-up for a number of TV channels including Yesterday. The other channels it covers are Dave, Really and Drama.

    | Sat 3 Feb 2018 8:44:31 #7 |
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    grahamlthompson - 13 hours ago  » They may well repeat it in the future. At least you can watch it now

    Yes, many thanks for all the help, I enjoyed it immensely.

    I always avoided those online channels as I thought they ran 5 minutes of unskippable ads for every 15 minutes of programming. But there was only one brief and easily ignored ad at the very beginning of the 40 minute documentary.

    The 5000T also performed flawlessly so that playing and navigation was very easy and smooth. I can see that must be a big plus for users who watch a lot of online TV. I may watch more of it myself now.

    | Sat 3 Feb 2018 11:47:54 #8 |
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    Actually it's not altogether true that you can't record streamed content. You can record BT Youview streamed programming, though you will need a subscription.

    However, you can't as Graham says record streaming from iPlayer etc - well you shouldn't let's put it that way.

    | Sat 3 Feb 2018 14:12:17 #9 |
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    Faust - 28 minutes ago  » 
    Actually it's not altogether true that you can't record streamed content. You can record BT Youview streamed programming, though you will need a subscription.
    However, you can't as Graham says record streaming from iPlayer etc - well you shouldn't let's put it that way.

    I think the Yesterday channel is pretty safe until a get_uktv comes along.

    But I've been looking at the other apps and to my astonishment with the YouTube app I can get a live HD stream of Fox News (although I'm not sure how kosher it is). I knew YouTube had such things but I thought that even if I bothered to figure out how to stream them from my PC I still couldn't control them remotely and I'd have to keep getting up - which would be no good at all.

    I was even considering a cable subscription as Fox News is the only thing that interests me that I don't have access to - but it seemed a bit extravagant just for one channel.

    Now I can watch it for free without shifting from my armchair. I'm liking the 5000T more and more.

    | Sat 3 Feb 2018 14:42:33 #10 |

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