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FreeviewPlay Apps missing - (Humax Apps OK)

(18 posts)
  1. Paul_D


    senior member
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    Posts: 53


    In the On Demand part of the menu:
    On the top line (where I would expect to see BBC iPlayer), all the FreeviewPlay Apps are missing being replaced with just blank "FreeviewPlay" place holders.
    On the second and third lines (YouTube, etc), everything is present and correct.

    I wanted to watch the iPlayer and found that I could do by searching using the A-Z search and getting into the iPlayer by a different route. Once I was in the iPlayer, it worked normally and I was able to view iPlayer streams.

    I went back to the On Demand part of the menu and the top line remained empty with just the blank "FreeviewPlay" place holders.

    Any suggestions?

    | Sat 27 May 2017 11:20:39 #1 |
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    Posts: 18


    Working OK here but the first time I tried it today the greyed out boxes took a second or three to populate correctly.

    | Sat 27 May 2017 11:41:32 #2 |
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    Happened to me yesterday for the first time. Switched off/on again and all present and correct.

    | Sat 27 May 2017 13:43:06 #3 |
  4. Paul_D


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    Since yesterday:
    - powered off/on (by remote and also by mains power)
    - left powered on for ages
    - powered off/on again a few more times

    Unfortunately, it is still the same - the entire top line consists of blank "FreeviewPlay" place holders.

    P.S. - in case it is relevant, I am on the latest v1.02.13 software installed via USB.

    | Sun 28 May 2017 10:01:06 #4 |
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    I have the same problem. Switching off and on doesn't help. I think it started in the last week. I am on v1.02.13, auto-installed but I don't know when that happened.

    | Tue 30 May 2017 21:55:19 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Clutching at straws, bear with me, but you could try:

    General Settings
    Last option listed - Privacy Policy etc

    Try unticking the 2 boxes , highlight Done press OK.

    Now try On Demand, you should be presented with the Privacy Policy etc again, both options should be 'ticked, and 'Done' highlighted, press OK - see if that makes any difference

    | Wed 31 May 2017 6:30:27 #6 |
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    Thanks Barry, but no luck.

    | Thu 1 Jun 2017 20:10:22 #7 |
  8. Paul_D


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    I tried all the above - but no success.
    I then tried a "Smart-retune" this morning - but still the same - the apps were still missing.
    I finally tried a "full-retune" where the box warns me that all my schedules will be deleted as well - and success - it worked!
    I now have the top row full of apps such as BBC iPlayer, ITVplayer etc.
    Thanks for all your suggestions and help.

    | Sat 3 Jun 2017 19:21:14 #8 |
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    A default automatic retune has also solved the problem for me.

    Thanks for your help.

    | Tue 6 Jun 2017 16:12:36 #9 |
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    Hi. I just had the same problem. A bit worrying, although still under warranty. Thankfully, for me, switching off at the mains, leaving it for a minute and then switching back on again solved the problem and brought back all the players. So if you have the same problem, it might be worth you trying that first before doing all the more complicated things that others have suggested.

    | Mon 26 Mar 2018 21:46:40 #10 |

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