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FVP 4000T as a DLNA Server

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    Is anyone having any success using the DLNA server feature?

    I enabled the network server yesterday, and it appears on a network connected Sony TV and lists the recordings (although the most recent recording have less than helpful titles), but when I select a file to play, althuogh I can see plently of network activity, nothing plays. It doesnt fail with an error, I just get a blank screen with no video or picture.

    I'd be interested to know what people have working, so I can replicate a working set-up and start to narrow-down where my issues are.

    Many Thanks,

    | Wed 4 Jan 2017 11:16:44 #1 |
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    Are you just trying to play SD and radio recordings?

    If so then I'm not saying it is but possibly it is the Sony TV.

    Does the FVP-4000T enable you to load a simple MP3 and offer them through its DLNA server to your TV?

    When I first bought a TV with a DLNA client it was a Samsung 2014 model and it could play the SD recordings via DLNA from an HDR-FOX T2. As the Samsung had a particularly bad audio bug I exchanged it for a Sony 2014 TV (same model as Barry's 32"), and with the same overall network the Sony could see the HDR-FOX T2s recordings but could not play them, although it could play some other files that were located on the HDR-FOX T2.

    | Wed 4 Jan 2017 13:36:08 #2 |
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    Luke - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Are you just trying to play SD and radio recordings?

    Exclusively tv recordings, most of which are HD - there may be a couple of SD ones, but from the TV UI you can't tell. The TV is a Sony KDL-40HX723

    | Wed 4 Jan 2017 13:44:50 #3 |
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    Fyl - 4 hours ago  » 
    Is anyone having any success using the DLNA server feature?

    I'd be interested to know what people have working, so I can replicate a working set-up and start to narrow-down where my issues are.
    Many Thanks,

    HD won't work, SD should. Dead easy to test, just record a few minutes of a SD channel. As such it's useless, imho, as a dlna server.

    HD and live TV channels will work with Humax's own H3 media player at added expense. Even Humax's own older T2 boxes won't work with HD on the fvp4000t, just the H3 (not sure about a second fvp4000t, which I'd assume would work)

    Playing back unencrypted HD/SD etc. on the fvp4000t from a dlna server does work; however be prepared to wait up to 30 seconds with a blank screen before anything happens.
    I can't imagine any software update changing this significantly.

    A previous software version did allow live TV channels which was useful, but this is now limited to the H3 and Humax's own android app. As a dlna server I think you'll find the fvp4000t too limited

    | Wed 4 Jan 2017 16:35:18 #4 |
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    I had another try. The Sony TV refuses to play anything from the Humax. My older TV, that the Humax is connected to, refuses to acknowledge that the Humax is running a DLNA server.

    However, using VLC running on iOS works, but as Damien said: only SD recordings work. So I have a solution: AirPlay onto the Apple TV connected to the Sony TV.

    In looking through my recordings to ascertain which were SD & HD I discovered that the recordings with less-than-helpful titles were all recorded from Channel 4. They all have date and time but no title when viewed from a DLNA client E.g. :


    Their titles are fine via the Humax UI.

    | Thu 5 Jan 2017 15:06:05 #5 |
  6. Mars


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    The implementation of DLNA seems to be very inconsistent even though it could be a very useful feature. I have the Panasonic DMR-HWT250 and I have found that my Samsung TV does not even see the HWT250 while my LG TV displays and plays the recordings on the HWT250 (there is a setting on the Panasonic that converts HD recordings to SD for DLNA). With a five year old Panasonic BluRay player, the recordings on the HWT250 appear with the same UI as on the HWT250 and can be played back in HD. You can start watching a recording on the HWT250 then resume watching it on the BluRay player (just like Sky Q). I bought a new Panasonic BluRay (as the old one does not play a Fawlty Towers DVD) but it does not have the same UI as the HWT250 but it does play HD recordings. My conclusion is that it is very hit and miss whether DLNA will work and the solution is probably devices like the Humax H3 that are specifically designed for use with a specific PVR.

    | Thu 5 Jan 2017 20:48:04 #6 |
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    I use Serviio as a DLNA server on my desktop (highly recommended) and it has the facility to load a profile for each device connecting. With the default profile for example I can watch half a film and when I restart it goes back to the beginning. When I load the correct profile for my Samsung TV it remembers where I left off and restarts in mid-film.

    Does the DLNA server in this device have profiles like that?

    | Sat 14 Jan 2017 12:07:10 #7 |

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