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FVP 4000T ITViPlayer Lock Up

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    I have recently purchased a Humax FVP4000t pvr to replace the 9300t. It is linked to a Samsung [Freesat] Smart TV. Having read the reviews and accepted all of its shortcomings in the software department, epg etc. I have fitted a CEC blocking connector to the HDMI output to prevent interaction with TV. this allows me to watch live tv from the pvr on a tablet while others watch other programs on the TV . All OK until started to watch ITV iPlayer through TV, after ten minutes approx., screen on TV blanks out and pvr will not respond to its remote after a short while video resumes for a few minutes the scree locks up with a 'video playing problem' warning and will not respond to remote. it resumes again after a few minutes to finally blank screen and no response to remote or buttons on the pvr finally had to unplug pvr to get it turn off. Has anyone else experienced similar.
    This is not a speed/server/router problem. I have BT infinity which is very good I have no problems with any on demand channels on TV/laptop/tablet only the Humax if it were server problem I would be able to operate the remote to work the pvr, as it is the unit just locks up completely. Pressing anything has no result I have to physically pull out the power supply to get the unit to power off and plug it in again to reboot it. Have done a factory reset function but problem still exists. Ran a BBC iPlayer one hour program which played OK all the way through. Am somewhat mystified, could it be the ITV software?

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 11:22:15 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Don't normally use itv player.

    If you can give an example programme that has the issue I can try and replicate, and/or you can report it to Humax Support:

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 11:48:24 #2 |
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    The ITV program that started the problem [First time I used ITV player with this PVR] was 'Piers Morgan's Life Stories' 9pm Friday 11th Dec. After lock up did a factory reset, problem still occurred with another ITV program. Unplug and replug unit ran BBC iPlayer with no problem

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 16:33:41 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Thanks, same programme at first ad break stalled, restarted, stalled, restarted, with a problem pop up which then disappeared and is now streaming part 2, will keep monitoring...

    Second ad break similar scenario but this time black screen, left unit to its own devices, after a minute 'whoops playing problem' pop up appeared, further minute or so timebar appeared, then playing problem pop up again before eventually streaming continued.

    So whilst there is a problem for sure, give the unit longer to try and recover the situation, however not sure I am not now 'locked' into itvplayer as no pause, or transport controls work.

    Edit: Regained control of unit after 3 minutes, stopped playback.

    Will forward my report to Humax Support.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 16:59:51 #4 |
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    Many thanks for the prompt reply. Gratifying to know it does apparently seem to be a problem with the FVP4000.It doesn't really cause me personally any great problem as I will use the TV [Samsung}iPlayer. It would be a nuisance though if I had bought this unit to go with a non smart television. Once again thank you.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 20:04:14 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    'Piers Morgan's Life Stories' - Now appears to be streaming without issue for me..

    Currently half way through part 3, the 2 advert breaks so far did not cause any problems this time.

    Will update post when programme ends.

    Spoke to soon advert break 3 and I have same problems again, unit is not locking, up I don't think, it is just taking an age to respond to inputs.

    | Thu 17 Dec 2015 12:03:31 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    Good news, the root cause of the problem has been identified by the Humax engineers, we shall just have to wait for an update now.

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 11:28:43 #7 |
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    There must be some weird glitch in the system, as I said before it seems quite happy to play BBC iPlayer for one hour straight with no problem. I have played this Wednesday's ITV episode of 'Prey' right through with no problem also. So ?????.

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 13:29:35 #8 |
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    Good result -- thanks for info.

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 20:43:11 #9 |

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