My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

FVP 4000T problems

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    Joined: Sep '23
    Posts: 1


    Hi Forum,

    I still using my 4OOOT, bought it new when the model was already getting old. It still mostly works well, but it hasn't had a software update since May 2022, so has HUMAX stopped supporting this now?

    I accepted that the ITV player no longer works with the 4000T, but recently some of the player's have had trouble loading and are not appearing at all on the "humax players" screen, including YouTube causing much frustration. The 4000T is connecting to the internet in the settings, but I'm not getting the usual pop up on screen message saying so since having these issues, seems unstable, is it a loading issue perhaps? Any help or advice would be very welcome, thanks.

    | Fri 8 Sep 2023 9:40:12 #1 |
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    Joined: Dec '18
    Posts: 39


    Both the 4000T and now the 5000T have been discontinued

    | Mon 11 Sep 2023 13:39:52 #2 |

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