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FVP-4000t - Replacement HDD Not Recognised

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    I wonder if you have any advice on my FVP-4000t - must be four or five years old. Just after Christmas, the recordings all disappeared. I followed all the usual suggestions but to no avail. I also spotted that the machine would not process any new recordings. When I go to the settings menu and navigate to PVR Settings the Playback Option and Storage menus are greyed out.

    I assumed the HDD had died and so have just fitted a replacement Seagate Skyhawk HDD. The machine fired up but did not recognise the HDD and offer to reformat. Recordings are still failing and the PVR options are still greyed out.

    Does anyone have any last ditch suggestions for me. The last software update was June 2020. Is there another way to reformat the HDD and get the Humax to recognise it? Thanks for any advice or suggetsions.

    | Tue 19 Jan 2021 18:11:19 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    j-t-s - 2 hours ago  » 
    I assumed the HDD had died and so have just fitted a replacement Seagate Skyhawk HDD. The machine fired up but did not recognise the HDD and offer to reformat. Recordings are still failing and the PVR options are still greyed out.

    Have you tested that the Skyhawk works independently of the Humax? When in the Humax can you hear the drive spin up? If it isn't spinning up then it might be the 12V supply to the hard drive has failed.

    | Tue 19 Jan 2021 20:44:25 #2 |
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    Thank you Martin - no there is complete silence - no sound at all when it turns on. I tried setting a recording. The recording is displayed in the Recordings list but the icon to the right shows it has been unsuccessful (looks like a broken cassette), and when I try to play the recording I get the error message saying something like failure to play due to invalid media. The the recording disappears from the list.I'm stumped at the moment.

    | Tue 19 Jan 2021 21:03:02 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    j-t-s - 53 mins ago  » 
    Thank you Martin - no there is complete silence - no sound at all when it turns on.

    Is the silence with the old drive and the new drive?

    | Tue 19 Jan 2021 21:56:55 #4 |
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    Yes - there was no noise when the old drive was in, and none with the new drive either. It was always a very quiet machine though.

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 9:12:50 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    j-t-s - 5 hours ago  » 
    Yes - there was no noise when the old drive was in, and none with the new drive either.

    If neither drive spins up then I think there is a good chance it is the 12V supply that has failed; might be the actual power supply or something on the motherboard. If this is the problem then one way to work round it would be to fit a 2.5" hard drive which only needs 5V. I have got a whole stack of 2.5" drives if you want me to send you one to try?

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 14:38:16 #6 |
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    Martin - that is incredibly kind of you. I'd like to try that option and have pm'd you.Thank you very much.

    | Wed 20 Jan 2021 14:57:17 #7 |
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    Martin very kindly sent me a 2.5" HDD, but alas the result was the same. Clearly some part of the box has died so I will get a new Humax box. Debating now whether to get a refurb FVP-500t or go for the new Aura. Decisions, decisions...

    Thank you so much to Martin for your help. People like you are rare and make this forum so useful.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 17:56:32 #8 |
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    I have a 500GB FVP4000T up for sale on Facebook Marketplace at £60- might be of interest. I'm in West Yorkshire, but I could post if you want.

    | Mon 25 Jan 2021 18:07:26 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    j-t-s - 23 hours ago  » 
    Debating now whether to get a refurb FVP-500t or go for the new Aura. Decisions, decisions...

    I have an FVP-5000T and it is OK but not great and I doubt that the many quirks in the software are going to get sorted out now there is a newer model. I would go for the Aura as it is reportedly much more responsive and the ability to use Android apps appears to open up all sorts of possibilities.

    | Tue 26 Jan 2021 17:41:07 #10 |

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