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FVP 4000T Volume Low on SD Recordings

(5 posts)
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    Joined: Jul '17
    Posts: 31


    The vast majority of my recordings are of HD channels. The odd time I record an SD channel I find the volume of the box is half that of an HD channel and every time I need to manually change the output volume. Annoying as I use a Harmony Hub and my home cinema amp to control volume (via the optical out) so I have to find the original FVP 4000T remote and increase the box volume. Anyone else have this issue?

    | Thu 18 Jan 2018 18:15:27 #1 |
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    It may be due to having the sound set to multi-channel and the amp treating the HD as maximum volume but for SD the Humax volume has been set at less than maximum.

    To get SD and HD to be about the same either change the Humax to output stereo, or turn down the volume on your amp (to avoid any damage by the next action!), turn up the volume on the Humax to maximum, then adjust the amp back up to the volume you like. From then on don't change the volume using the Humax remote as it will only impact SD channels unless you have changed the Humax sound option to Stereo.

    | Thu 18 Jan 2018 19:21:23 #2 |
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    Posts: 31


    Seems to have done the trick and still works after a stand-by sequence. Will monitor it. Thank you

    | Thu 18 Jan 2018 19:36:04 #3 |
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    Posts: 31


    The next day SD volume was low again. Then I saw a later post about the power on timer which I have set to come on each morning. The volume was set too low, so I have now set it to max and will see how that goes.

    | Mon 22 Jan 2018 19:34:06 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    scgf - 1 hour ago  » 
    The next day SD volume was low again. Then I saw a later post about the power on timer which I have set to come on each morning. The volume was set too low, so I have now set it to max and will see how that goes.

    Confident that will resolve your issue

    | Mon 22 Jan 2018 20:46:44 #5 |

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