My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T


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    Hi everyone - new user - could anyone please explain why (5000T box) when scrolling through the guide to find something to watch I cannot get on to ANY programme that has already started? It just says CLOSE or Watch in Player even when the programme is on now? It's driving me mad having to record everything or wait until it starts!!

    | Sat 21 Jan 2023 13:12:46 #1 |
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    I cannot repeat your observation.
    If I open the guide, current programmes are down the left side. The options presented include "Watch Live". I can only guess that you might be trying to watch programmes that have already finished. Even then I get the message "Watch via on demand" or "Close" depending on whether the programme is available.

    | Sat 21 Jan 2023 14:36:03 #2 |
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    Hi - no, eg Murder She Wrote us on now 17.06 and on the guide is 17.00 to 18.00. If I try to watch it it sale Close or Record Whole Series - this is on 5USA. Same with "My Family" on W, same with Inspector George Gently on Drama - Great Continental Railways on Yesterday says Watch Via on Demand or Record Whole Series, same with Big Bang on 4. All of these are current on air programmes!

    | Sat 21 Jan 2023 17:12:05 #3 |
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    I've tried the channels you mentioned at 08:10, ten minutes after the programmes have started and get "Watch Live" not "Close". What version of the system software do you have? The current version is 1.03.54, but I don't think there has been any changes that correct your problem. (F Settings System Settings to find the version). So this is probably a red herring.
    Have you clicked on Close in one of those menus? Does it close or does it switch channels?
    As I can't repeat your findings I can only suggest you try a Factory Default (without format) and see if this gets things back to normal. You will lose timers, favourites and channels but no recordings. You may also (or maybe instead) try powering down the box, wait for the disk to stop, remove the mains plug, wait a while (a minute should do) then plug in.
    Failing that, unless someone else has any suggestions, you might have to contact the Humax helpline. They will probably tell you to do a factory default!

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 8:30:46 #4 |
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    Could it be that you came to the EPG from watching broadcast TV which had been rewound a bit? If so, go back to the programme you were watching (by pressing the "X" button) then press the stop button with the square on it (4th down on the left on the remote control), "Live Broadcast" appears top of screen. Now go to EPG and select a programme. Where it said "Close" should now say "Watch Live"

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 14:40:57 #5 |
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    Thank you both for your replies. Wheelman your seems to have fixed it!!! I'd never have thought of any of this so thank you very much!

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 14:56:19 #6 |
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    Wheelmon - 4 hours ago  » 
    Could it be that you came to the EPG from watching broadcast TV which had been rewound a bit? If so, go back to the programme you were watching (by pressing the "X" button) then press the stop button with the square on it (4th down on the left on the remote control), "Live Broadcast" appears top of screen. Now go to EPG and select a programme. Where it said "Close" should now say "Watch Live"

    Well I've learnt something! It never occurred to me that the viewed channel could have been paused or rewound. This does give the "Close" prompt. Good spot!

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 19:05:11 #7 |
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    It's magic!! I really thought I'd got a faulty Humax box!!
    Thank goodness for Forums. A thousand thanks!

    | Sun 22 Jan 2023 20:59:57 #8 |
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    Glad to have helped

    | Mon 23 Jan 2023 14:49:03 #9 |

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