My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

FVP-5000T Volume rises and falls

(9 posts)
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    Geoff Cantrell

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    Hi, We are new to this Humax lark and wonder if anyone else has experienced the volume of both live and recorded programmes rising and falling? Not sure whether it’s “a feature” of the unit, a fault or some fine tuning needed...
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    | Sat 9 Feb 2019 23:39:53 #1 |
  2. prking


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    When I had this issue, it was the fault of the TV which had all sorts of volume levelling, speech clarity, auto - advert quiet processing turned on for the HDMI port that the PVR was connected to.

    By turning all that off, setting the Humax volume to three quarters of maximum and adjusting the volume using the TV remote all was well.

    Another thing to check, is what sort of audio output you've got the Humax set to. It needs to match what your TV is capable of.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 1:19:20 #2 |
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    I agree, However, I would set the volume control onto max(20).
    This way, you'll find every time you switch your T V over to the Humax from the TV tuners ,your volume will stay the same. output.
    However, you keep the Humax on 3/4 You will only get level 15 which a big drop in the volume levels. Have fun,

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 8:52:08 #3 |
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    Geoff Cantrell

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    Thanks for the tips folks, it sounds like we need to do a bit more setting up than the simple plug and play that we did when we installed the Humax.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 10:37:29 #4 |
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    Welcome to the Forum,
    You'll find that many of the questions can be answered by other owners.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 15:10:00 #5 |
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    Geoff Cantrell

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    Thanks John, looking forward resolving any issues through this forum.

    | Sun 10 Feb 2019 17:11:07 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Follow these steps carefully.

    Turn on your box and TV and tune to 001 BBC 1

    Pick up the TV remote and reduce it's volume to a low level (to avoid deafening you)

    Pick up the 5000T and increase the box volume to max

    Turn up the TV volume to a normal listening level. In future to change the volume use the TV remote

    Using the 5000T remote press FVP and then settings OK. Press OK on General Settings and then OK on Audio

    Move to HDMI - Press OK - Select Stereo (If you use the optical output also change that to Stereo)

    Exit the menus - press 106 to show BBC 1-HD check the volume level is similar to BBC 1

    If you set a power on/off timer daily - set the on volume to max. If you don't do this the first power on will change the box volume back to the default of 50%

    | Mon 11 Feb 2019 9:39:27 #7 |
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    Geoff Cantrell

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    Thanks Graham, we’ll follow your advice.

    | Mon 11 Feb 2019 13:38:17 #8 |
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    Geoff Cantrell

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    Thanks Graham, we’ll follow your advice.

    | Mon 11 Feb 2019 14:10:07 #9 |

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