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FVP-5000t-won't let me record

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    Robert Goodbier

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    Joined: Feb '22
    Posts: 6


    Hello, we got a Humax FVP5000T in April 2022 and after a few minor teething problems (I did not understand some of it's functions - but I got over that) we now have a problem setting it to record.
    I open the guide and select a program to record. I am given options, one of which is to set recording - but when I press OK it does nothing.
    If I press the red square button, the same thing happens.
    I have changed the batteries and that didn't work either!
    Can some one help me please?

    | Sun 24 Jul 2022 11:41:44 #1 |
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    special member
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    Sometimes the machine gets itself into an odd state. I'd try turning the Humax off with the remote (when there is nothing recording or about to record) and wait for the disk to go quiet. Unplug at the mains. Wait a short while. Plug in and wait for the Humax to reboot (switch on with the remote if necessary). Then see if normal behaviour has been restored.

    | Sun 24 Jul 2022 12:40:15 #2 |
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    Robert Goodbier

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    Posts: 6


    Thank so much!
    I followed your instructions and it worked (at first I thought it hadn't worked, but I don't think I gave it enough time to reboot completely - but it's fine now).

    | Sun 24 Jul 2022 15:31:58 #3 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 364


    Glad that worked.
    Turning my 5000T on after a power down can be tedious. It seems to misbehave, compared to previous models, switching itself off when I've just switched it on. As you've found it usually behaves - eventually.

    | Mon 25 Jul 2022 7:24:58 #4 |

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