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Fvp4000 hard disc not playing in fvp5000 unit

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    My fvp4000 unit failed and so in order to keep my recordings, I bought a second hand fvp5000 and put the 4000 hard disc in the 5000 unit. I can see the recordings and delete them but cannot play them. I can also record and play new recordings.
    Is there any way to play the old recordings?
    Or would they play in another 4000 unit?
    Any ideas greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks.

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 18:18:12 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Devon - 1 min ago  » 
    My fvp4000 unit failed and so in order to keep my recordings, I bought a second hand fvp5000 and put the 4000 hard disc in the 5000 unit. I can see the recordings and delete them but cannot play them. I can also record and play new recordings.
    Is there any way to play the old recordings?

    The problem is that the recordings are encrypted with a key that is unique to the machine that made them. The only way to play them will be to get the FVP-4000 working again. What was the problem with it?

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 18:22:35 #2 |
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    I sent it off for repair but they said the microprocessor was at fault and could not be rectified.
    So the recordings are encrypted to the actual unit and not the model?
    Can they be copied off somehow, resaved and then copied back?

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 18:43:25 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Devon - 3 hours ago  » 
    So the recordings are encrypted to the actual unit and not the model?


    Can they be copied off somehow, resaved and then copied back?

    You can copy them off no problem but they will remain encrypted whatever you do other than decrypt them. As far as I know, there is currently no way to decrypt without the original box. There has been progress in removing the encryption from recordings made on older Humax models so it isn't completely impossible that someone will work out how to do it in the future for the FVP models.

    | Sun 6 Sep 2020 21:50:21 #4 |
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    Many thanks for the information. Looks like I'll be reformatting the HD.
    Best wishes.

    | Mon 7 Sep 2020 7:20:38 #5 |

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