So, been having an issue with windows10 pc not wanting to copy across some radio recordings. It comes up with an error message which may have something to do size of recording?! (according to google!) Anyway, Win10 pc is off doing some updates so I thought I'd have a look at my win7 pc.
So, transferring via Samba doesn't work for win7?
Can I copy the recordings via FTP?
Will that take forever?
How do I copy via ftp.
(I know how to get the command window up and the IP address of my FVP-5000T, and how to turn on the FTP server on the FVP-5000T but not completely how to connect from my Win7 PC, or how to copy the files across.
I've tried:
ftp <ip address>
User: anonymous
Password: email address
ftp> ls
and I get the message:
500 PORT/EPRT (Active Mode/Extended Active Mode) is not supported. use PASV/EPSV instead of this
425 unable to build data connection: Connection refused.
I don't know enough about Active/Passive mode nor enough ftp commands.
Will hope my win10 PC starts to behave itself again!