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FVP5000T manual tuning

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    Having been plagued with "no programme information" I finally decided to do some research and found this forum. Reading through similar posts I guessed my unit has tuned multiple channels from different transmitters. Following the guide I found in one post I checked the Wolfbane site and used the channel numbers there to manually search after clearing the stored channels. I noticed a couple of numbers produced no signal and no channels. However, I was delighted to find all main channels (but Ch4) showed full epg for the coming week, but then noticed a lot of channels missing. Checking the Freeview site I noticed their list was dated 05/05/20 and some channel changes and two additional numbers for COM7 HD and COM8 HD. Tuning to these new numbers restored virtually all channels but now I have some epg problems again. I did search on both DVB-T and DVB-T2.

    Adjacent transmitters Belmont and Bilsdale are using the same COM 7 and COM 8 channels as my recommended xmitter Emley Moor. Is this likely to have caused multiple channel confusion again and how to fix this?

    The Wolfbane list includes ERPW (frequency?) different to that shown when tuning. Is the relevant?

    | Tue 5 May 2020 11:15:06 #1 |
  2. Biggles


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    I don't normally use the Wolfbane site but seeing it mentioned here recently I had a look only to find it was wrong. I think you are better sticking to the Freeview site.

    | Tue 5 May 2020 12:08:30 #2 |
  3. Trev


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    ERPW: A Google comes up with "European Radiation Protection Week".
    However if you take it as Effective Radiated Power Watts, you would be a lot closer to the truth for transmitters (NOT frequency).

    | Tue 5 May 2020 14:05:41 #3 |
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    laowai - 5 hours ago  » 
    Checking the Freeview site I noticed their list was dated 05/05/20 and some channel changes and two additional numbers for COM7 HD and COM8 HD. Tuning to these new numbers restored virtually all channels but now I have some epg problems again. I did search on both DVB-T and DVB-T2.
    Adjacent transmitters Belmont and Bilsdale are using the same COM 7 and COM 8 channels as my recommended xmitter Emley Moor. Is this likely to have caused multiple channel confusion again and how to fix this?

    The long answer:
    COM7 and COM8 are, supposedly, temporary multiplexes. As a result of the sell off of some UHF channels to extend mobile telephone/broadband services many transmitters have had to move the multiplex frequencies. COM7 and COM8 could have been doomed. A decision was taken to change the way these two multiplexes are broadcast. They are now broadcast as Single Frequency Networks. That means that all the transmitters broadasting COM7 do so on the same frequency (ditto COM8).

    The short answer:
    There is no multiple channel confusion for COM7 & COM8, and there is nothing to fix.

    | Tue 5 May 2020 16:35:20 #4 |
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    Joined: May '20
    Posts: 10


    Thanks for the info gents. There are still a few channels missing but none that are important to me. Epg missing information seems to vary by the day, last night not so good but this morning all is well.

    Channel scanning and normal Freeview epg on the TV (Samsung) is not affected at all. Is this issue just a Freeview play problem or a Humax problem?

    | Wed 6 May 2020 9:27:45 #5 |

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