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general networking issues

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    Not being a network guru, I am hoping someone out there can help. I have a HDR connected via my home network (HD to follow soon I hope). It is connected via a netgear router (SR216) to a cable network.

    The HDR is running version 1.02.20 (came with it pre-loaded). I changed the IP addresses to and (.11 for the gateway) to avoid conflict with other devices on the network.

    1) When I select the Humax TV portal option it says 'connecting..' but eventually times out saying it failed to launch the portal application followed by a URL. Any ideas what causes this and what I need to do to fix it.

    2) The HDR says connected to the network and selecting 'Network' on my PC shows an icon labelled 'HDR-FOX T2 Media Server' but I don't seem to be able to get access to the files on the hard disk. (Should I be able to!). I would like to FTP soem of them them to a backup. I tried mapping to the device on the PC but am not sure what to enter as a device name - the IP address does not work!

    Is there anything out there in terms of documentation that can help with 'how to' questions. I consider myself pretty computer literate but getting access to the device and accessing the portal feels like a guessing game so far.

    Can anyone help! (Please)


    | Sat 8 Oct 2011 13:02:41 #1 |
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    PS - File sharing is set to ON and FTP server is also set to ON

    | Sat 8 Oct 2011 13:14:27 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    phila - 43 minutes ago  » 
    The HDR is running version 1.02.20 (came with it pre-loaded). I changed the IP addresses to and (.11 for the gateway) to avoid conflict with other devices on the network.
    1) When I select the Humax TV portal option it says 'connecting..' but eventually times out saying it failed to launch the portal application followed by a URL. Any ideas what causes this and what I need to do to fix it.

    Try putting the box into standby, turn it off at the mains and then restart it.

    2) The HDR says connected to the network and selecting 'Network' on my PC shows an icon labelled 'HDR-FOX T2 Media Server' but I don't seem to be able to get access to the files on the hard disk. (Should I be able to!). I would like to FTP soem of them them to a backup.

    Have you used an FTP client (Filezilla is free if you need one)?

    | Sat 8 Oct 2011 13:49:23 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Gateway address does not seem right to me unless you have manually configured your router.

    Why not try DHCP on the HDR to start with, it should not conflict, as will only select an ip that is available.

    I can certainly connect using internet/windows explorer using ftp and copy content off to PC.....not that I bother as I have ext usb drives attached to all my boxes

    | Sat 8 Oct 2011 13:52:24 #4 |


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    Conventions for gateway addresses in modern routers is they are allocated the first address in the pool (normally 1, but the old school may allocate the highest address - 254).

    I suggest that you go with Barry's suggestion - if for some reason you want a static address - the way to do it is to create an address reservation on the router - then DHCP will always reserve that address for the T2's mac address.

    | Sat 8 Oct 2011 16:42:38 #5 |
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    Thanks Guys - I switched the box back to DHCP and got it connected to the internet ok. I can now access iplayer etc.

    Interestingly I though I would try to transfer a video to a USB stick. Of course it failed as the stick is FAT32. I thought I could reformat the stick to EXT2/3 but the 'format' option under storage was greyed out. This is feeling like one heck of a battle.

    I am going to try Filezilla and see what happens.

    Barry - I am interested in how you FTPs files from the box via explorer. I expect this is something simple but it is eluding me.


    | Fri 14 Oct 2011 16:35:06 #6 |

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