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genre movie search vs fox t2

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    new member
    Joined: Mar '20
    Posts: 1


    ive upgraded my humax fox t2.

    i now have a fvp-4000t.

    i used genre search for movies daily with my fox.
    it gave me 400 movies for the whole epg week across the channels i have in my channel list.
    in effect you clicked each day and it gave a rolling 8th day to pre select movies for recording.

    the 4000t does not have this option
    from what i can see you can only see 1 day a few hours ahead.

    does anyone know how to get the features for genre search found on the t2.
    humax dont seem bothered , ive emailed them.
    took them a while to understand what i was asking for.

    if anyone has a solution with the fvp-4000t i would appreciate it

    many thanks

    | Wed 11 Mar 2020 9:10:25 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 371


    I have a similar problem with the 5000T (essentially the same device). From memory, I think the other genre searches seem to work. It is just the movies that isn't properly searched. It's annoying. I don't know of any solution. I've resorted to creating a favourite grouping of film channels and just scrolling through the EPG. Not ideal!

    | Thu 12 Mar 2020 14:34:34 #2 |

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