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Getting deafened

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    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 31


    My new HDR Fox T2 is connected via HDMI to a Panasonic TV with Q Acoustics Q-TV2 speakers. I'm finding that when the TV itself takes back control from the HDMI input, the sound suddenly blasts out at full volume, resulting in a nasty shock and a mad scramble for the volume control. This happens whether or not I use the antenna out loop-through by changing the Power Saving in Standby setting and is not helped by the fact that I cannot get the TV to default to HDMI for its input signal. Any suggestions please? Thanks.

    | Thu 24 May 2012 8:47:26 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    NickRich - 5 minutes ago  » 
    I'm finding that when the TV itself takes back control from the HDMI input, the sound suddenly blasts out at full volume, resulting in a nasty shock and a mad scramble for the volume control.

    Set the volume on the Humax remote to maximum or close to it and adjust the TV volume to give the desired volume.

    | Thu 24 May 2012 8:54:41 #2 |
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    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 31


    Brilliant - I'd never have thought of that. Many thanks.

    | Thu 24 May 2012 11:12:51 #3 |

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