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Guide not working/responding

(3 posts)
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    senior member
    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 54


    I went to set up some programmes to record and found that the unit is unresponsive to either pressing Guide on the remote or selecting Guide after going in via the blue button.

    Any suggestions ?

    | Mon 14 Nov 2016 15:53:44 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    Is Guide the only button not working? Wondering if the remote control thinks it is in TV Mode so you need to press the PVR button to get it back into PVR mode.

    One way of checking if it is the box or the remote is to point the remote at a camera (eg the one on your smartphone) and see if you can see the flash on the viewfinder screen as you press the button.

    | Mon 14 Nov 2016 23:07:48 #2 |
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    senior member
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    Posts: 54


    Thanks for the suggestion, Gomez. Turns out a soft reset fixed it

    | Tue 15 Nov 2016 17:10:29 #3 |

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