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Guide screen not going opaque

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    Hi Guys/Girls,

    I've just bought a Humax freesat box with the latest firmware as of 29/04/12. It seems pretty good however I've come across a weird flaky issue with the guide.

    So I have the opacity set to 25%. When I press the guide button on the remote (note I've removed the genre screen so I go straight to the guide, however this doesn't make any difference to the problem I'm having) it doesn't have any opacity. If I leave it for sometime, say 2 minutes ( I haven't timed this) it suddenly goes opaque. I would ordinarily think this was just how it is, poor software design, however if I head to the guide screen in a more roundabout way this issue dosen't occur. So if I press the 'schedual' button then the 'red' button I get the guide and it has the correct opacity. At no point, when I do it this way, does the system delay with the implementation of the opacity.

    Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a fix?



    | Sat 28 Apr 2012 20:35:24 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Sammynjj - 26 minutes ago  » I've removed the genre screen so I go straight to the guide

    What does this mean?

    If I leave it for sometime, say 2 minutes ( I haven't timed this) it suddenly goes opaque
    Sounds like this is related to the full EPG refresh as you do not get it when you go it via Schedule then Red. What if there is an active recording when you press the EPG button?

    | Sat 28 Apr 2012 21:05:29 #2 |
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    Hi, and thanks for the speedy reply.

    To answer your first question; you can disable the genre screen when you press the guide button. I went to 'settings' - 'other' - 'Guide Channel Genre' set to disable. It doesn't really have to much of a bearing on the issues I'm having but thought I'd mention it just in case.

    Your second question. If I am recording and I press the guide button the opacity works perfectly just like if I get to the guide via the schedule button. I take it there is some sort of issue, as you mentioned, with the refresh of the EPG and the ability of the system to run the opacity. I've noticed that when I press the guide button and there is no opacity it also resets the TSR which is a little annoying!

    Cheers for your help.

    | Sat 28 Apr 2012 23:25:46 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    The EPG button doing a full refresh and nicking tuner 1 to do so thus muting sound and vision of live TV and crippling navigation of the EPG for a minute or so has been a long-standing issue. The latest firmware somewhat addresses the EPG responsiveness.

    I have not seen the opacity thing mentioned before though. Or is this just a different way of saying that live TV behind the EPG screen goes blank?

    The standing advice is to not bother with the EPG button (unless you particularly want to force a full refresh) but always use Schedule then Red.

    | Sun 29 Apr 2012 7:47:01 #4 |
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    Hi sorry yep, I'm referring to the fact the live tv disappears in the background. Seems like it would be better to have an option to turn off the refresh of the EPG on pressing the Guide button, forcing the update to happen over night or on start up. But hey, guess I can get over it. Let's hope they sort it sometime soon.

    Cheers for your help.

    | Sun 29 Apr 2012 9:40:25 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Sammynjj - 33 minutes ago  » 
    Hi sorry yep, I'm referring to the fact the live tv disappears in the background. Seems like it would be better to have an option to turn off the refresh of the EPG on pressing the Guide button, forcing the update to happen over night or on start up. But hey, guess I can get over it. Let's hope they sort it sometime soon.
    Cheers for your help.

    It can't be sorted, when you press guide you ask the box to download a whole new epg to replace the existing one cached on your box. This requires the tuner being used to show your pictures hence the loss of picture and sound. The cached epg is continously updated anyway by data carried by the broadcast channel.

    If you press the schedule button followed by the red button then the cached epg is instantly loaded. Should tuner 1 be recording then pressing guide does the same as schedule/red.

    | Sun 29 Apr 2012 10:18:24 #6 |
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    I don't think I understand. If the EPG is continuously updated why the need to refresh using the tuner when you press the guide button surely this can be done on request or at a specific time? And why not use the second tuner to do the update of the epg rather than the primary tuner that I'm currently using, surely then the picture and sound wouldn't drop?

    Forgive me if I'm getting this all backward but it seems that this surely could be engineered better and that it's really just a case of a software fix, even if it means having a disable button?

    | Sun 29 Apr 2012 11:54:07 #7 |
  8. gomezz


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    The grabbing of the tuner in use seems like they did the simple thing that would cope with the box having either one feed or two feeds from the dish. The programmers amongst us realise they could (and should) have taken a bit more time and care to make this more user friendly and use the free second tuner if available as it is far and away the single biggest complaint users have about this model.

    | Mon 30 Apr 2012 10:49:29 #8 |
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    I too have had this problem and to be honest although i dont like to praise Sky for anything , their plus EPG always worked quickly, i guess this is a hardware issue as its not been resolved by download.

    | Mon 23 Jul 2012 16:31:50 #9 |
  10. gomezz


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    It is not a hardware issue and could be fixed by a software change.

    | Mon 23 Jul 2012 19:54:14 #10 |

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