My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Had enough now - recomendations please

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    special member
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    Hi All,

    As you may or may not know our second unit is still having the won't turn on while recording problem. Then, tonight while watching the olympics on the red button (presumably linked into some kind of IPlayer thing) the machine rebooted and in the process killed one of the kids films that had been recording.

    I'm going to speak to Humax tomorrow with the view of looking to swap my box for something that actually works (I can't stand any more grief from the wife (she gets really annoyed by all the problems we're having)).

    What other humax product should I go for? We had a 9200t and then a 9300t before. Turns out we don't use the "rewind" feature in the guide on the 4000t but we occasionsally use the Iplayer as a standalone app. I like the 3 tuners but 2 would suffice (we did ok with the 9000).

    So, what should I request them to swap this piece of poo with?

    Tesco (who I bought it from in November) directed me to Humax when I asked for a refund, but surely I can either get a refund or swap becuase in under a year this machine is still not fit for purpose. I don't want to go down a consumer direct route but will if needed.

    Cheers in advance.

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 19:29:52 #1 |
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    Hi Harryhornby, yes my 4000T reboots every now and again when I am watching it. I think this is a common thing with this model, and its a pain if your recording at the time. But saying that my old Top up TV box use to do that even when you where not watching it.
    Maybe Humax will sort it out one day MMMMM.

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 20:38:07 #2 |
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    Harryhornby - 1 hour ago  » I don't want to go down a consumer direct route but will if needed.

    You mention 'not fit for purpose' so Ar epobbaly thinking of consumer rights.
    Your purchase 'contract' is with Tesco. If you go to Humax you are introducing a third party although Humax is the manufacturer. If you have not got proof that Tesco is OK with this and you allow Humax to replace your FVP-4000T then you are effectively offering to forfeit any consumer rights you have with Tesco for the purchase.

    | Sun 7 Aug 2016 20:52:40 #3 |
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    I have always preferred the Freesat versions. I have the 2000T and the 1000s the 1000s being the satellite version and it has always been the best and most reliable performer.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2016 10:13:26 #4 |

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