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Hangs at boot when network cable is connected

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    I have a foxsat HD box. Since connecting it to my broadband router with a network cable the unit hangs when switched on, at the factory bootloader screen. If I disconnect the network cable and restart the unit it works fine. I can then plug the network cable into the unit when switched on and watch BBC iPlayer etc with no problems. I have updated the firmware to the latest version. Is there anything I can do to stop having to unplug the network cable all the time? I turn the unit off at night.


    | Tue 5 Mar 2013 19:18:30 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    joefzd1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have a foxsat HD box. Since connecting it to my broadband router with a network cable the unit hangs when switched on, at the factory bootloader screen. If I disconnect the network cable and restart the unit it works fine.

    Have you tried plugging it into a different port on the router? Have you tried interposing a network switch between Foxsat and router?

    | Tue 5 Mar 2013 22:11:44 #2 |
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    it might be a faulty port as Martin suggests. If it still doesn't work in a different port or with a switch then I'd be looking at the network settings on the foxsat.

    I'm assuming it's set for automatic dhcp, i.e. the foxsat gets its network settings from the router.
    Take a note of the current settings when it's working (system,network,configure-ethernet), the ip address will be something like depending upon what's on your network.

    Change the settings to manual and add something like 20 to the last digit of the ip address, i.e. make to or something you know to be a free address ( to etc. etc.) and keep all the other entries the same, i.e. subnet,router,dns as they were with dhcp. Apply the changes and test.

    I'm guessing there's some power saving and wake-up on lan going on with your router and the foxsat is getting stuck on obtaining its network address via dhcp.
    You say "since connecting with network cable", I take it you weren't previously connecting via a wifi dongle and if so you've removed the dongle.
    There are pros and cons with both dhcp and manual, the main thing at the moment is to get your box working without having to play around with cables and rebooting

    | Wed 6 Mar 2013 0:31:43 #3 |
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    Thanks,. I'll give that a go and get back.

    | Wed 6 Mar 2013 16:37:33 #4 |

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