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Hard drive update issues

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    Hello everyone. This is my first post after being here many times and getting all of my issues sorted by searching the previous posts. I have trawled the older posts but I am still stuck and hope someone can help.

    I have a Humax Foxsat HDR 320Gb receiver for a number of years and am really happy with it. I installed Raydon’s custom firmware about a year ago and everything was perfect.

    In the past couple of months it has started freezing (picture frozen, can’t change channel) and has needed a power cycle to get back going. I have also experienced multiple failed recordings. Booting became very slow and in the end I could not access my recordings. Through a bit of searching I came to the conclusion that my hard drive could be failing.

    So I bought a 1Tb Western Digital AV-GP SATA 6 GB/s hard drive. I installed it but could not get it to work. After a bit more searching I spotted that I should have gotten a drive with 1.5 GB/s rating and even with the jumper on pins 5 and 6 of the drive I bought I would only get down to 3 GB/s.

    So, after telling myself what an idiot I was I bought a Western Digital 500 GB AV-GP SATA-300 3GB/s drive. I installed the jumpers on pins 5 and 6 to drop the rating to 1.5 Gb/s and installed in the Humax and still nothing.

    When I boot up after installing the hard drive the sequence that I see is:
    Sometimes nothing, just red light comes on on the front and nothing on screen.
    Sometimes I get the boot message but nothing on the screen even after 8 hours.

    If I plug out the hard drive from the main board of the Humax the unit boots fine and just gives me a message telling me that the internal HDD was not found. I have reloaded Raydon’s firmware in the hopes that I had somehow corrupted it but this hasn’t helped either. I followed a guide for formatting the hard drive in an external caddy before installation but still no joy. I also cannot access the box via Ethernet anymore, not sure if this is connected.

    Is there anything else I could try to get my box up and running or should I just dump it at this stage? I would hate to get rid of it as I did everything I wanted.

    Any help gratefully accepted.

    | Thu 30 Jul 2015 12:19:32 #1 |
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    In your situation, I would check out the original 320G disk.

    Put it in your caddy and check it using a PC with whatever level of disk diagnostics you are comfortable using. Bear in mind it isn't a Windows compatible disk and you'll need some other software to read it if you get that far. Recover any data you can and if it has any life left in it put it back in the HDR and see what happens.

    If the old disk works in the caddy and shows no sign of life in the HDR, then I'd guess the HDR to disk drive interface is probably broken. Could be as simple as the cable but at least you will know it is not a compatibility issue.


    | Fri 31 Jul 2015 17:34:22 #2 |
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    Thanks Dino.

    I have removed the old drive and using a caddy I've been able to save all my recordings. A scan of the drive has a flag to say it overheated at some stage. Despite this it does still work in the caddy. I'll pop it back in and give it a try in the humax.

    A replacement cable should be easy enough to get but if it is the interface to the main board I guess I'm out of luck.

    Thanks for your help.

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 12:49:00 #3 |

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