My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

HB1000s External Drive

(13 posts)
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    What is the minimum size of drive.Can it be a USB memory stick. Tried a 16 GB one to no avail. Rang Humax and they didn't know just said bigger than that.

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 10:20:50 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Does not specifically answer your question but check out this FAQ:

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 10:25:48 #2 |


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    None of the 6 memory sticks I tried were seen as possible storage, but were seen as input devices.
    Perhaps these are not accepted due to higher write speeds required.

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 10:34:25 #3 |
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    Thanks for this, wanting to buy I new one for the box but don't intend to record much. Was hoping to record the odd film to watch on my lap top but got conflicting views if this would be possible. Humax said it would be possible if recorded in SD. That impressed with box we are using it for catch-up rather than vision box.

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 11:04:07 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Afraid you are being led up the proverbial path by Humax Support

    You cannot playback any recordings via PC/Laptop.

    I've had a word with their boss to get this info corrected.

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 12:12:39 #5 |
  6. IAINB


    Joined: Oct '13
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    Dear Walkec,

    Why not read my first impressions (22/10/13) which mention my successful addition of a 1TB USB-powered HDD, amongst other things? I am still keen on the HB, though the recent update has introduced bugs and also features which I dislike. As there is little use in less than 0.5TB space, especially with HD, Humax may have sensibly required this minimum size.

    I am glad to see Barry is complaining about the poor information being given to some enquirers. This, plus an age to correct bugs which have been introduced via updates, should not happen these days.

    Regards. IAINB

    | Thu 16 Jan 2014 13:14:21 #6 |
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    Thanks IAINB for this, by the time you have added an external drive it almost makes more sense to get the dearer one with built in drive especially if you can only play the recordings back on the Humax unit.

    | Thu 16 Jan 2014 13:59:08 #7 |
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    Hi all,
    walkec, just my thoughts on external hdd: I only have (old) 40gb hdd, mainly for pausing live tv.
    As for you, consider this: if you buy, let's say 1tb, external hdd, you can always use it to store your data later on, whereas if you buy a box with internal hdd, it, pretty much, gets stuck in there, if you decide to dispose of your hdr box at later date.

    | Sat 18 Jan 2014 15:56:13 #8 |
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    Thanks for this, interesting to know 40GB is enough. Surprised Humax didn't have more information. Really just wanted to record a film and watch it on my laptop later. I recorded 1 hour in HD and that was about 3.2 GB.

    | Sun 19 Jan 2014 10:00:10 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    walkec - 32 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for this, interesting to know 40GB is enough. Surprised Humax didn't have more information. Really just wanted to record a film and watch it on my laptop later. I recorded 1 hour in HD and that was about 3.2 GB.

    You can't view the recordings on anything else as they are encrypted with a key unique to the box. Only the box that recorded the content can play the recordings

    | Sun 19 Jan 2014 10:34:51 #10 |

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