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HD channels slotting into regular chan numbers

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    I just fired up my trusty HDR1000S and while looking in the TV guide, I found that HD channels had replaced some of the BBC channels slots. 102 was now listed as BBC2 HD, along with 106/107 BBC 3/4 HD and 200 BBC News HD. Here's a couple of screenshots merged.

    I've often wondered if this would/could ever happen, but I certainly never did anything to instigate it.


    1. humax_chans.jpg (139.2 KB, 1 downloads) 10 years old
    | Mon 24 Mar 2014 22:54:09 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Thanks Barry. I did look for other threads on the subject but neither of those made me think I'd find anything about this in there

    Bit weird they swapped 2,3,4,News but not BBC1.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 7:38:58 #3 |


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    BBC1 to BBC HD is a many to one relationship because of the regional news and programmes.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 7:51:15 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    hoomaxing - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks Barry. I did look for other threads on the subject but neither of those made me think I'd find anything about this in there
    Bit weird they swapped 2,3,4,News but not BBC1.

    Probably in a minority, but I wish they had left it as it was.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 8:01:46 #5 |
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    I have no problem switching to 101 at 18:30 for the regional programme. If they swapped 101 and 108, I equally would have no problem switching to 108 at 18:30. I just wish I didn't need to.

    The real issue seems to be on Sky. The BBC realised that no one would ever find the regional programme if they moved it to 141 !

    Since they love pop-ups so much, why can't they have one saying "Press OK to switch to the regional programme", or even do it automatically ? I would think this would be fairly easy to do on Freesat at least.

    Other than that, I think the moves of 2, 3, 4 and News are good.
    Just a pity about the BBC1 farce.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 9:19:31 #6 |
  7. gomezz


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    Barry - 2 hours ago  » 

    Probably in a minority, but I wish they had left it as it was.

    My personal preference would be to have all the HD channels from all broadcasters grouped together. Not so bothered whereabouts they actually are. Or failing that an option on the EPG display to show just the HD channels (preferably a sticky option).

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:58:30 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    gomezz - 4 minutes ago  » 

    Barry - 2 hours ago  » 
    Probably in a minority, but I wish they had left it as it was.

    My personal preference would be to have all the HD channels from all broadcasters grouped together. Not so bothered whereabouts they actually are. Or failing that an option on the EPG display to show just the HD channels (preferably a sticky option).

    A HD genre option was announced by Freesat as a future option a while ago.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:04:00 #8 |
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    Barry - 4 hours ago
    Probably in a minority, but I wish they had left it as it was.

    Same here. I was perfectly happy with being asked if I wanted to record it in HD when I selected something to record. No biggie though.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:31:09 #9 |
  10. gomezz


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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 
    A HD genre option was announced by Freesat as a future option a while ago.

    That would help with checking and setting timers on different channels which are pages apart at the moment.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:56:28 #10 |

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