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HD died - Repair or replace

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    The drive is gone, according to telnet check as well. There is a circuit board in housing with the drive which gets very hot, and the fan does not work. Are either of these signs that the problem is more than just the drive. If so it would not make sense to replace the drive. Approx 4yo, 500GB version

    | Thu 7 Jul 2016 22:01:06 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    teecha - 1 hour ago  » 
    The drive is gone, according to telnet check as well.

    What exactly do you mean by "telnet check"? What symptoms caused you to start investigating?

    There is a circuit board in housing with the drive which gets very hot, and the fan does not work.

    Is this the circuit board attached to the hard drive (containing the hard drive controller electronics)? The fan doesn't run continuously so how do you know the fan is not working?

    My feeling is that it is worth attempting to replace the hard drive.

    | Thu 7 Jul 2016 23:29:46 #2 |

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