My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

HDMI HDCP error message

(8 posts)
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    Hi - this is my first ever post here as I have always found solutions to my queries here without needing to post - for that, thank you to all the contributors.

    I have found similar questions to mine but no replies quite hit the mark.

    Please forgive me if I have missed it. I will happily be pointed at the right topic discussion and retreat with my tail between my legs.

    I have a FVP-4000t connected by HDMI to a Panasonic 55” OLED and have had the same configuration and cabling without a change for over 2 years. A couple of days ago I got the “The programme cannot be viewed via HDMI connection because your TV does not support digital content protection (HDCP). Disconnect the HDMI cable and connect composite video connection to watch the programme in standard definition.” error message which now appears continuously - even over main menu screens etc.

    I have confirmed that the TV does not have an issue by connecting other HDCP devices to the same HDMI port, I have tried a different HDMI cable between the TV and the Hummy and the Hummy is running the latest software (UKTFAE 1.03.52 from June 2020).

    Any ideas or help would be gratefully appreciated.

    | Mon 28 Dec 2020 11:57:33 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Have you tried a reset to factory defaults ?

    | Mon 28 Dec 2020 12:11:18 #2 |
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    Hi - thanks for the suggestion. I have and that made no difference.

    I have also now tried it connected to a different TV and that made no difference either so it must be something with the Hummy.

    | Mon 28 Dec 2020 13:51:38 #3 |
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    I now note that the internal HDD is failing to format when doing a full factory reset including HDD format or formatting the HDD through the system/storage format option - due to an “unknown error”.

    Could the original error message be as a result of a HDD failure as I know some system files are stored on the HDD?

    | Tue 29 Dec 2020 14:49:55 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    lymbo - 3 hours ago  » 
    Could the original error message be as a result of a HDD failure as I know some system files are stored on the HDD?

    No system files are stored on the hard drive as far as I know; all the operating system is in Flash RAM. I don't see how problems with the hard drive would cause HDCP issues but I suppose it isn't absolutely impossible. You try disconnecting the hard drive and see if the problem persists.

    | Tue 29 Dec 2020 18:32:28 #5 |
  6. Jthspace


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    I had this on my Aura and a "three finger salute" (i.e. a hard reset) cured the issue. I hard powered down, disconnected the power for 5 minutes (went and made a cup of tea), plugged in, powered on and all was right with the world.

    That was after I did a factory reset on my TV (it's damned annoying re-entering passwords in all the catch-up apps) and didn't want to lose all of the apps I had loaded on the Aura, so tried the hard power off first, luckily it worked for me!

    | Tue 29 Dec 2020 18:56:03 #6 |
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    I have exactly the same problem as Lymbo, including the (apparent) failure to reformat the hard disk. The FVP-4000t had been left on, but unused, for more than 5 months and there were no changes to the cables or settings. As far as I know there were no new recordings made. I get the same message with 3 different HDMI cables and 3 different TV's so the problem must be in the Humax.
    I see that Jthspace suggested a hard reset in December 2020 and there has been no further post from Lymbo so presumably, he fixed the problem?
    My problem is that I don't know how to do a "hard reset" on my Aura I can do that by holding down the power button on the remote but that does not appear to work with my 4000t. Please can anyone help? Thanks

    | Sun 24 Nov 2024 13:48:23 #7 |
  8. Jthspace


    Joined: May '16
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    Regretfully I got rid of the Humax as various glitches occurring for no reason got the better of me - I went "native" TV for quite a while until the Sky Black Friday offer of Sky Stream for £19 a month tempted me to sign up recently.

    Think, from memory, hard reset is a menu option including optional HD format

    | Sun 24 Nov 2024 14:16:58 #8 |

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