Greyghoster - 1 hour ago »
My HDR-1003S on VAST stops recording. Seems to occur at multiple times but more often when there are 2 recordings in progress and one stops.
There also seems to be a problem when the signal is corrupted and recording is stopped instead of being reestablished.
we don't have the HDR-1003S here in the UK, there are a couple of general points though. Signal reliability is very important, see if you can sort out a more reliable signal.
Running the box with the hard drive at more than 85% full capacity over time will cause fragmentation. If you're like me and don't like deleting stuff then you'll definitely have problems. Not too sure if you can copy stuff off, but if you can, copy everthing you want to keep off, make sure you can play it back, format the hard drive, use or leave the box on for about 6 hours so that it creates a complete, presuambly 2hr, chase-play/pause/rewind buffer at the start of the partition. Finally, copy all the stuff back onto it.
If you can't copy stuff off then either delete a big chunk or format. It may be possible to take the drive out and using linux tools sort it out (definitely take a look at the 'smart' stats), but I think a local HDR-1003S forum would be a better place to ask.
If the box has always been at 70% full capacity or less then it looks like other problems, again a local forum would be the place to start.
| Tue 31 Mar 2015 14:31:00
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