My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

HDR 1800T - New software 1.01.06

(19 posts)


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    I would check that you do not already have it.

    | Thu 30 Oct 2014 19:43:52 #11 |
  2. geoffers


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    juliang - 3 hours ago  » 
    Then went
    Settings+Installation+Software Updates
    Automatic Updates
    but after searching for a minute or so it reported nothing found.
    I am assuming it can be done on demand not at 4.30 am.
    Any ideas?

    juliang - that's exactly what I did, then put it into standby.

    When I started it up a bit later it prompted me to run the update, so this must have been downloaded over the internet sometime between scanning for an OTA update and bringing it back out of standby.

    Prior to this the software was 1.00.27 (23/07/2014)- after this it had been updated to 1.01.06 (16/08/2014)

    <edit>I'd probably logged into the Humax TV Portal at some stage to see what was available, so I wonder if the new software was downloaded at that point </edit>

    | Thu 30 Oct 2014 20:36:52 #12 |
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    Left it on all night in standby - blue light - connected to web but no up date.
    Still shows software as UKTFAC 1.OO.25 27 June.

    Two thoughts
    - is it possible to switch off updating and
    - can the 1.00.06 software be installed without first installing the 1.00.27?

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 8:21:12 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    juliang - 1 hour ago  » 
    Left it on all night in standby - blue light - connected to web but no up date.

    If the blue light is showing it isn't in standby which would be the dim red light.

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 10:02:04 #14 |
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    I am getting confused by the light(and I can not see a reference in the manual)
    It is capable of three states
    dim red - stand by
    bright red ?

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 13:24:34 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    juliang - 42 minutes ago  » 
    I am getting confused by the light(and I can not see a reference in the manual)
    It is capable of three states

    I think so although to my eyes the difference between the two shades of red is minuscule.

    dim red - stand by


    bright red ?



    Active but not recording ie you can watch TV via the box.

    | Fri 31 Oct 2014 14:11:19 #16 |
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    I left device in dim red connected via cable to router overnight and now have 1.0006 dated 16 Aug! Thank goodness! Thanks every one.

    I observe that a significant difficulty was caused by Humax failing to define what the lights on the front of the 1800T mean in the manual (unless I have missed it).

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 8:28:22 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    juliang - 11 minutes ago  » 
    I left device in dim red connected via cable to router overnight and now have 1.0006 dated 16 Aug!

    I hope you mean 1.01.06?

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 8:40:15 #18 |
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    ops - my mistake

    | Sat 1 Nov 2014 9:05:21 #19 |

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