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HDR-1800T scart to DVD player

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    Posts: 32


    I had a PVR-9300T with 2 scart sockets plus a CRT TV with 3 scart sockets and a dvd player with one scart socket. I put one scart lead from Humax box to TV and another lead from Humax to DVD and if I wanted to go from watching TV to a DVD I just put the Humax box on standby and switched on the DVD.

    Now I have a HDR-1800T that has only one scart socket. I put one scart lead from TV to new Humax box. I put another scart lead from DVD player to TV and get nothing. On two occasions I have had the SONY symbol come up on my TV when I switch the Humax to standby and the DVD player on.
    Any suggestions on how to get the connections right?

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 13:14:24 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hgchgc - 1 hour ago  » 
    Now I have a HDR-1800T that has only one scart socket. I put one scart lead from TV to new Humax box. I put another scart lead from DVD player to TV and get nothing. On two occasions I have had the SONY symbol come up on my TV when I switch the Humax to standby and the DVD player on.
    Any suggestions on how to get the connections right?

    The connections sound right to me. I think you will have to use a source (or whatever Sony call it) button on the TV remote to select the appropriate input.

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 14:52:38 #2 |
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    I have noticed on the new HD Humax box's there are only outputs, at the rear of the Humax HD box's, which means there is no longer a loop though from scart to any other output on the unit. so you can no longer connect a DVD player to the Humax then to the TV as it will not work, unlike the older twin scart box's, were you had a input as well as a output scarts. Its a bit of a pain because you have to connect them separately to the TV now.

    | Fri 18 Dec 2015 22:53:58 #3 |
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    Thank you both for your replies. It was good to know that my connections were correct. I switched it all on and left it to "warm up" whilst I got a cuppa and when I got back the TV had the Sony logo showing. I repeated what I had done and saw that it took several minutes for it to happen so my guess is that the Sony is "smart" and is finding a channel all on its own. The other thing that I had done was to disconnect the Humax from the electricity socket so it was not even on standby; I do not know of this made the slightest difference.

    Thank you again.

    | Sat 19 Dec 2015 11:38:48 #4 |
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    I have a similar connection issue however I don't think it's a Humax issue I never thought of asking for help here. I have my Humax HDR connected via HDMI cable to my TV and it works fine. I then plug a Blu Ray player into the TV with another HDMI cable into the adjacent socket and it doesn't work.

    I have swapped the cables and swapped the TV inputs and again it does not work. I have tried all the sources of input on the TV remote.

    I bought a component video (RGB) to 3.5mm jack plug cable and used this to connect the Blu Ray to the TV and now it works.

    Is there anything else I could try so it will work in 1080p rather than 576?

    | Mon 11 Jan 2016 18:37:56 #5 |

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