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HDR 2000t booting problem

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    My HDR 2000t will boot up from red led to blue led then goes back to red led standby ,it was working fine up untill yesterday.also ive noticed that the led goes black when going from red to blue .it never used to do that

    | Mon 5 Aug 2019 7:59:50 #1 |
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    Does it still work? If yes why worry; my HDR-2000T sometimes boots up in a strange way if it's been unplugged.

    These days if I unplug, when getting it going again I plug in and wait. The led goes blue then red. I the switch on with the remote and wait until I hear the disk spin up and the picture come on ghe screen. After that that it's fine. Occasionally if I try to rush it the hard drive isn't recognised and it won't record or playback. I think the processor in some models is a bit slower than people may be used to and you have to "tune in" to the response.

    | Tue 6 Aug 2019 17:40:29 #2 |
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    no i cant used it as it boots then goes straight back to stand by

    | Wed 7 Aug 2019 15:34:05 #3 |
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    I have the 2000T and mine is the same, you just turn it back on with the remote and away you go, no problem.
    This model when disconnected from the mains will always go to standby and so does my 4000T when they reboot.
    If your tuning it on with remote from stanby and it keeps going back to standby then you may have a problem.

    | Thu 8 Aug 2019 12:22:10 #4 |
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    [quote]If your tuning it on with remote from stanby and it keeps going back to standby then you may have a problem.
    this is exactly what mine is doing

    | Thu 8 Aug 2019 13:23:35 #5 |
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    What you can do is remove the remote control from the room or take out the batteries and turn on from the box itself, just tap the power symbol on the left hand side of the box.
    If the box comes on and stays on, this may indicate there is a button stuck down on the remote or batteries may be getting weak as they don't last long.
    The light on the remote may flicker dimly and carry flickering when you release the button on the remote.

    If the remote continues to flicker when you release the button then there maybe a button stuck or sticking.
    If it flicker dimly then change the batteries.
    But try the above first.

    If taking the box out of standby from the box don't work then your box may have developed a software fault.

    Also one other thing you could try is completely unplug the box and leave it over night and try it again the next day if none of the above work.

    Is the box still under guarantee.

    | Thu 8 Aug 2019 15:05:20 #6 |
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    ill give that a try thanks,i know if i leave it over night it works fine for about 5 minutes !! then the fault reappears

    | Fri 9 Aug 2019 7:24:44 #7 |
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    If it don't work it maybe ether a software or hard drive problem.
    If your box is still under warranty then give Humax a bell or email them.
    If your box is out of warrant and if your brave just take the cover off and disconnect the hard drive, and power it up, if it works then you know that drive is gone faulty.

    But check in setting to check to see if your box as got the low power setting to off, as this could cause problems to.

    | Fri 9 Aug 2019 11:50:21 #8 |
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    thanks for that ,ill give it a go and report back

    | Fri 9 Aug 2019 12:00:57 #9 |
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    tried all that still the same ,ive just discovered though if i leave the humax about 10 minutes after it goes to stand by it works fine ,its like if i turn it on and off too many times close together it goes to standby!!

    | Fri 9 Aug 2019 19:25:01 #10 |

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