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HDR 2000T EPG Find option?

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    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 16


    We're thinking of upgrading from HDR FOX-T2 to a newer model. We love the FIND option on the T2 EPG (returned an FVP4000T because we couldn't get on with it at all). We'd like WIFI built in, and we'd like a better Portal, which is ok, but pretty basic on the FOX-T2. Any recommendations much appreciated. We mostly record music radio, and some TV, so sound quality is important too.
    Another reason to upgrade is to give friends our FOX-T2 to replace their much loved but very ill Toppy. Should we just get them another FOX-T2?

    | Sun 12 Mar 2017 12:32:21 #1 |
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    The HDR2000T is just about as basic as it gets. If basic is your thing then it is completely functional. If you are expecting an apps portal then give it a very wide berth.

    | Sun 12 Mar 2017 14:52:56 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Saralikesradio - 2 hours ago  » 
    We're thinking of upgrading from HDR FOX-T2 to a newer model. We love the FIND option on the T2 EPG (returned an FVP4000T because we couldn't get on with it at all).

    I don't think an HDR-2000T would be a significant upgrade from an HDR_FOX T2. Many people consider the HDR-FOX T2 with the custom firmware one of the best PVRs available. If you didn't get on with the FVP4000T then I think the other option would be to look at the Panasonic PVRs which reportedly are very reliable at recording although the user interface is not as good as the Humax.

    Should we just get them another FOX-T2?


    | Sun 12 Mar 2017 15:38:27 #3 |
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    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 16


    Thanks for replies. Now to source another Fox-T2...

    | Sun 12 Mar 2017 16:21:28 #4 |

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