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HDR 2000T missed recordings and issues on playback

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    Liz N

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    We’ve 2 rather elderly Humax boxes – HDR 2000T and HDR Fox T2. Both are set up to record the same programs. Have learnt by experience that for them to record and playback accurately it’s a good idea to reset to defaults and retune every year or so.
    Recently despite a retune and reformat the 2000T has missed a couple of recordings (BBC2 and Ch5) with the recording in media as ‘0 minutes’ whereas the Fox T2 has recorded them fine. Also on rewind the recordings can stop on x2 and we have to keep pressing the rewind button to x4 & x16 before it will move. The picture is then pixellated on rewind but not on forwards. Have also had issues with both when a recording will play but won’t rewind or fast forward – just get the circle with a line through in top RH corner.
    In general the Fox T2 is better behaved than the 2000T (shame about the tiny keys on the Fox T2 remote and the EPG is always slow).
    Are these machines getting past their use by date or does anyone have suggestions as to why this is happening which would be gratefully received.

    | Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:51:53 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Liz N - 2 mins ago  » 
    We’ve 2 rather elderly Humax boxes – HDR 2000T and HDR Fox T2. Both are set up to record the same programs. Have learnt by experience that for them to record and playback accurately it’s a good idea to reset to defaults and retune every year or so.

    For what little it is worth, my boxes very rarely get a rest to defaults but do get an occasional retune when there are significant changes to the EPG (I don't bother with the endless changes to minor channels that I am unlikely to ever watch).

    Recently despite a retune and reformat the 2000T has missed a couple of recordings (BBC2 and Ch5) with the recording in media as ‘0 minutes’ whereas the Fox T2 has recorded them fine.

    Really difficult to speculate based on those incidents. You might try doing a manual tune on the HDR-2000T to ensure it is receiving from a single transmitter see

    Also on rewind the recordings can stop on x2 and we have to keep pressing the rewind button to x4 & x16 before it will move. The picture is then pixellated on rewind but not on forwards. Have also had issues with both when a recording will play but won’t rewind or fast forward – just get the circle with a line through in top RH corner.

    Do the skip forward and backward buttons work? I find the much more convenient to use in general.

    Are these machines getting past their use by date.

    There are plenty of both models still in active use although there are an increasing number of reports about hardware related issues with the HDR-FOX T2 simply due to age. I expect the reports for the HDR-2000T will begin to ramp up in the next year or two.

    | Thu 16 Mar 2023 15:06:42 #2 |
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    Liz N

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    Hi Martin
    Thanks for the response.
    I meant to mention as well the HDDs get reformatted every year or so too and have done these recently.
    The HDD test always comes up 'fine' but from what others report it rarely picks anything up.
    I'll try the manual retune as suggested.
    See that Humax are selling refurbed 1800Ts so possibly tempted to buy one.

    | Thu 16 Mar 2023 15:27:46 #3 |

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