My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

HDR-2000T or DTR-1000T ?

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    I have a 500Gb PVR-9300T, on its second hard disk, and it's playing up again (failed recordings, no sound, playback skips, only a day or two EPG, etc). I've decided it's time to change it for a newer model, and was hoping for some advice.

    I want a FreeView / YouView device (not FreeSat) with access to online services (specifically catch-up services like BBC iPlayer) and I'm considering either the HDR-2000T or the DTR-1000T / DTR-1010T.

    I'm aware that the -7/+7 day EPG of the YouView box provides easier access to the last seven days of catch-up TV, but I'm concerned that its interface is too restrictive. What functionality of the FreeView box is lost with YouView?


    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:59:09 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi Welcome to the Forum. See Barry's summary here

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:03:44 #2 |
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    Thanks for the quick response.

    I presume that the list is FreeView functionality that is lost with YouView?

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:10:14 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    mailing - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for the quick response.
    I presume that the list is FreeView functionality that is lost with YouView?

    It's basically a comparison of the then current HDR FOX T2 against the Youview box. The current HDR2000T loses some capability compared to the HDR FOX T2.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 19:15:48 #4 |
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    Thanks again for the quick response.

    Am I right in thinking that recorded programmes can be copied to a networked PC from the HDR but not from the DTR ?

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:02:52 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    grahamlthompson - 52 minutes ago  » 
    The current HDR2000T loses some capability compared to the HDR FOX T2.

    I do wish that people would be balanced and point out that the HDR-2000T also gains some useful capability compared to the HDR-FOX T2 (IPTV Channels mostly work, write to NTFS formatted USB drives, better scrolling performance through the guide).

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:10:41 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Martin Liddle - 33 minutes ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 52 minutes ago  » 
    The current HDR2000T loses some capability compared to the HDR FOX T2.

    I do wish that people would be balanced and point out that the HDR-2000T also gains some useful capability compared to the HDR-FOX T2 (IPTV Channels mostly work, write to NTFS formatted USB drives, better scrolling performance through the guide).

    Writing to ntfs volumes is easily solved on the HDR FOX T2. As to IPTV channels they are available on loads of other kit, this is more than offset by the lack of HD IP protected streaming and no front panel displa, no rf loopthrough. Should I include the list of extra capability free software the HDR FOX T2 gains over the HDR FOX T2 especially running the custom firmware add on.

    My HDR FOX T2 still on a version 2 firmware has no epg scrolling issues.

    Rather think your post is the one that's biassed.

    My post correctly pointed out that the HDR2000T lack some of the bells and whistles of the earlier box.

    Only way to not be accused of bias was to spell out the differences, which wasn't what the OP asked anyway.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 20:49:33 #7 |
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    Youview has all the catch up channels, but Freeview boxes only have iPlayer (currently).

    I thought it would be a great product, but in fact I personally was disappointed by the DTR-T1010. To me it feels like a work in progress and is very restrictive, specifically yes you can record and was catch up, but that's it. No other capabilities, and likely none will ever be delivered, i.e. network play, copy to PC, USB media support, etc. The box also takes 2 minutes to boot, which was unacceptable to me.

    So, I replaced my old PVR-9200T with an HDR-Fox-T2 and saved £100 in the process. Yes I was swayed by the many positive threads raving about the Fox-T2, and a few negative points about the HDR-2000T, mostly it is a cheap Fox-T2 and sometimes unstable/freezes. It has an external power block (which I do not like at all) and no front panel display. It does in fact have a few benefits, like IPTV, and most likely the platform will receive additions over time as it is developed. Again it feels like a work in progress.

    I am happy with my choice, and in future probably will be happy with the newer HDR-2000T type products. But I for one have been pushed away from a poor Youview experience and will not retry that one again.

    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 22:47:00 #8 |
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    So the HDR-2000T only has iPlayer and no other catch-up services (ie, no ITV Player, no 4OD, etc)? But it does allow transferring recorded programmes to a PC?

    Does the HDR-Fox-2 have an internal HDD or does it just use an external HDD? In which case, can it record two programmes simultaneously?


    | Tue 25 Mar 2014 23:21:58 #9 |
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    Yes, to an extent, yes, yes it can do and yes.

    | Wed 26 Mar 2014 1:06:23 #10 |

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