Not having much luck with this machine.
Decided to give the humax wifi dongle a test.
Hi have the HDR-2000T connected to Sony Bravia smart TV ... less that 15 foot away from a 802.11n router. I have a 120Mbps internet link
The hdr-2000t say the wifi dongle running at 65Mbps.
Problems encountered
IPlayer - almost constant buffering on SD problems - unwatchable
DNLA Client - access to files on media server (connected to router) again slow SD movies unwatchable / slow to flick between individual photos / slow loading of MP3 files
If I repeat all the same tests on the Sony TV (sat next to HDR-2000T) ... I experience no problems.
Why is the Humax perfoming so poorly over wifi ???? ... its same distance to router as TV.
I did also try using the hdr-2000T as a DNLA server and accessing its media files from a TV in another room ... the programs started but hangs between frames.