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HDR-2000TScheduled recording problem 4th July 2018

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    This morning I went to look at a recording made last night, and noticed that it was only 30 minutes (should be 60). Above it, there was a failed recording for the same series, but dated the 11th (it is now only the 5th July, so that was next weeks entry!)
    When I looked at another program I saw it had a failed recording from this afternoon (Again, in the future at the time I looked).

    I went to see what was happening on the Schedule - it was BLANK. NO recordings in the list at all.

    I called my friend who has the same model, and her's has done exactly the same - kept all the recordings, but dumped the schedule list.

    I have not tried to reset the channel list - I know that blanks the recording list (something I WISH was mentioned in the instruction manual, as the first time I did so was incredibly annoying as I had no paper list)
    The Installation details say my last software update was Jan 2018, so it wasn't that (in theory).
    Did something happen from Humax at about 22:30 (UK time) on 4th July to create this effect?

    | Thu 5 Jul 2018 10:17:42 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    BEB - 7 minutes ago  » 
    This morning I went to look at a recording made last night, and noticed that it was only 30 minutes (should be 60). Above it, there was a failed recording for the same series, but dated the 11th (it is now only the 5th July, so that was next weeks entry!)

    It might help if you say exactly what recordings failed (program, channel, date); World Cup scheduling has been causing some problems. One possibility for the schedule to be wiped out is that the box has done an automatic retune.

    | Thu 5 Jul 2018 10:28:02 #2 |
  3. Aresby


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    We too have a problem with ALL recordings - we've a screen full of "broken recording" icons and the schedule has been wiped when we open them. The box seems to think it is the 11th July today as that is where the highlighted date is for the recording list.

    It's not correcting itself and it seems the only way to recover our recording schedule is to delete the entire program schedule and re-enter it.

    What's going on?

    | Thu 5 Jul 2018 11:35:42 #3 |
  4. black knight

    black knight

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    I noticed my schedule was blank too yesterday. Thought it was odd.

    | Fri 6 Jul 2018 20:22:54 #4 |

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