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HDR 2000T Streaming cuts out after 20 minutes.

(3 posts)
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    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 19


    I'm streaming from my laptop.

    Thought it might be a power saver function on PC but have deactivated it and problem persists.

    After about 20 mins playing the recording stops and message onscreen says that file is not supported even though it has played and will continue to play from where it stopped by pressing the play button.

    I love the streaming function, adding a great feature to a great piece of kit.

    The file is mp4 format downloaded from youtube using the 4k converter.

    Anyone have any ideas?



    I have to confess that I would use the youtube app from the portal where it not for the constant format not supported messages that render the function unusable.

    | Tue 16 Dec 2014 22:03:18 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    harroagtepablo - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Thought it might be a power saver function on PC but have deactivated it and problem persists.
    After about 20 mins playing the recording stops and message onscreen says that file is not supported even though it has played and will continue to play from where it stopped by pressing the play button.

    How are the PC and the Humax connected (network cable, WiFi, Homeplugs)?

    | Tue 16 Dec 2014 22:25:00 #2 |
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    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 19


    pc is wifi to router, humax is network cabled to same router

    | Sat 20 Dec 2014 10:39:37 #3 |

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