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HDR FOX Custom firmware - Pihole issues

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    Hi has anyone ever came across this or know how it might be fixed?

    I own a HDR fox that has custom firmware fitted that has been working fine for years .... at some point I changed my network IP prefix and when I changed it back this one seemed to stay the same and for the life of me I can't stop it is a repeater but the address the humax box is farting out no longer exists.


    1. 2.jpg (538.2 KB, 4 downloads) 4 years old
    2. 1.jpg (437.3 KB, 5 downloads) 4 years old
    | Sat 13 Feb 2021 20:43:52 #1 |
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    to give detail I changed my network to 192.168.2.x as a test before changing it back to 192.168.0.x I can't seem to find the setting to change or reset this.

    | Sat 13 Feb 2021 20:45:26 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Nossie - 1 hour ago  » 
    to give detail I changed my network to 192.168.2.x as a test before changing it back to 192.168.0.x I can't seem to find the setting to change or reset this.

    How is the Humax connected to your network?

    | Sat 13 Feb 2021 21:52:27 #3 |
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    special member
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    Not sure I understand what the question is.

    What is the relevance of your reference to being a repeater ? is an addess in Verizon. It looks like is doing an inverse query via the pihole for and the pihole is returning a name which it got from a public resolver.

    Is your HDR-T2. If so, then the question could be "why is the HDR-T2 seeking a name for ?"

    | Tue 16 Feb 2021 13:50:26 #4 |

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