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HDR-FOX T2 does hard reset on certain channels

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    As of the last couple of weeks our HDR Fox T2 has started doing a hard reset when trying to watch certain channels.

    It's a 1TB model, software was last updated on 7th Feb 2014 and is FHTCP 1.03.12 - which I believe is the current version.

    I've not fully explored all the channels which cause this but we can happily watch BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Ch4, Channel 5, BBC3 and BBC4.

    E4 definitely does not work - we can see about 30 seconds of TV before the box does a hard reset... comes back up onto E4 and then repeats.

    As you can see we've not updated the software recently.

    Anyone else seen this problem in the London Freeview area?


    | Tue 24 Feb 2015 18:51:23 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chriswthomas - 2 hours ago  » 
    As you can see we've not updated the software recently.

    You are on the latest software. I would start by doing a reset to default settings and see if that resolves the problem.

    | Tue 24 Feb 2015 21:12:16 #2 |
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    ditto what Martin said,

    also e4 and e4+1 fine on my hdrFoxT2, not in London though.
    A default reset will probably fix it, take a note of the recording schedule first, if not see if you can establish a pattern and report back. The lack of others reporting such a problem indicates it's likely to be just your box and a reboot/reset should sort it.

    | Tue 24 Feb 2015 22:42:13 #3 |
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    I did a factory reset last night and that seems to have fixed it.

    After I did the original post I noticed that while we couldn't watch E4 for example... we could record E4 and then watch it later. It was only the "live" watching that caused the problem.

    So many thanks for the suggestion

    | Sun 15 Mar 2015 17:15:53 #4 |

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