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HDR FOX T2 repeatedly crashing

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    I have had HDR FOX T2 running nearly flawlessly for 13months until this week. It arrived with software 1.02.20 already on it and updated to 1.02.28 via OTA as this was released and still was fine. This week with the EPG update on 19/9 the box asked me to update now or later. I initially said 'later' not knowing what changes were planned. The next day getting this message again I went off to research and I'm pretty sure i left the option unselected. I returned back to the room to find no schedules left and the EPG had updated - presumably defaulting to this option without response. Annoying to have to reload the schedule but shouldnt have been a big deal.

    However since this event the T2 started to crash/freeze repeatedly. The standby button wouldnt even work only the switch would reset things. I reset to factory default without effect. I updated software to 1.02.29 but after brief hope the problem continued. I have now rolled back to 1.02.20 but I still have problems. Instead of just freezing the box is now freezing then automatically rebooting itself.

    I dont know what to do. Any advice appreciated. It may be co-incidence but it really seems the EPG change corrupted something.

    | Mon 24 Sep 2012 22:29:18 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gregoryrose - 57 minutes ago  » 
    It may be co-incidence but it really seems the EPG change corrupted something.

    Has anything else changed on your network eg a new NAS or software update to a NAS?

    | Mon 24 Sep 2012 23:28:13 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply. No nothing else has changed. The T2 isnt usually networked as I use a PS3 as my network player, uncommon that I even connect the Hummy to my network. It has been connected recently to bypass format compatibility issues on the PS3 but not for at least a week prior to this problem arising. The rest of the time its just a stand alone player with the TV.

    Any further questions just ask. Would love someone to suggest a solution.

    | Tue 25 Sep 2012 7:21:36 #3 |
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    Mine has started doing this too.

    I turn on the HDR-foxT2, wait approximately a minute then it reboots itself and is fine onwards.
    Doesn't seem to matter what channel it was on.

    Power off, power on, wait a minute. CRASH, reboots itself. Fine!

    Seems to have started with the 1.02.28 firmware or around the time of new EPG. I just put on the custom 1.02.29 firmware and it still does it.
    Ran diagnostic , all ok. Ran fix-disk with no error too

    | Thu 4 Oct 2012 9:35:51 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crunchie - 12 minutes ago  » 
    I turn on the HDR-foxT2, wait approximately a minute then it reboots itself and is fine onwards.

    The most common reason for this problem is that there is something else on your network (eg a NAS) running a DLNA server (usually Twonky version 7.xx). You can check if this is the problem by turning off the HDR DLNA server (Menu > System > Internet Settings > Content Share) temporarily and see if the problem goes away.

    | Thu 4 Oct 2012 9:52:25 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle - 10 hours ago  » 

    crunchie - 12 minutes ago  » 
    I turn on the HDR-foxT2, wait approximately a minute then it reboots itself and is fine onwards.

    The most common reason for this problem is that there is something else on your network (eg a NAS) running a DLNA server (usually Twonky version 7.xx). You can check if this is the problem by turning off the HDR DLNA server (Menu > System > Internet Settings > Content Share) temporarily and see if the problem goes away.

    Thanks, that does appear to have fixed it. Strange though as I've had twonky running on my NAS for years and not encountered this before.

    Any ideas why it happens?

    | Thu 4 Oct 2012 19:58:39 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    crunchie - 2 hours ago  » 
    Thanks, that does appear to have fixed it. Strange though as I've had twonky running on my NAS for years and not encountered this before.

    Have you upgraded the version of Twonky recently? Version 6.x apparently didn't cause the problem.

    Any ideas why it happens?

    No sorry, no idea.

    | Thu 4 Oct 2012 22:06:23 #7 |
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    Just an update and mainly for anyone else faced with this. None of the above suggestions applied to me. The only logical thing to do was to roll back the firmware further - so back to 1.02.20 I went.

    After this I got two further crashes but instead of a total lock up the Hummy rebooted itself and then continued working ok. Since this it has run perfectly. Clearly something about the EPG update corrupted 1.02.28 and it didnt clear with updating to 1.02.29.

    Silver lining? No silly on screen message on changing remote output selection

    | Wed 10 Oct 2012 19:25:47 #8 |

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