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HDR-FoxT2 & FoxSatHDR incompatibilities

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    junior member
    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 5


    Hello folks - new member, first post:

    We have two homes (lucky us!) with an HDR-FoxT2 in our UK home. I recently bought a FoxSatHDR for our second home in France, expecting, among other things, that the user interface would be very similar. (We are of a certain age, and remembering how to work each set of boxes can be a struggle!). To my great disappointment, the UIs are very different. Why?? But I guess this only affects a tiny minority of people, so hardly an issue for a forum, just a little winge.

    More importantly, the "favourites" functions of the FoxSatHDR are extremely confusing and downright useless. As far as I can gather from the manual and this forum, they can only be used when selecting channels to watch live. The whole point of an HDR is that you watch virtually nothing live - everything gets recorded and timeshifted, allowing you to skip adverts and choose your own viewing times. It seems there is no way to see a sub-set of channels when looking at the EPG to select what to record. On the HDR-FoxT2, for those of you with a FoxSatHDR, pressing the blue button when in the EPG allows you to select only favourites. Not so on the FoxSatHDR. There is a prominent green label "All Channels" at top right, which implies that there should be an option somewhere to change this to "Favourites" but for the life of me I can't find out how to do this. Am I missing something, or is this just not possible?

    I have been through the channels and deleted all the ones I NEVER watch; but I think that if I deleted those that I seldom watch, the only way to retrieve them would be a complete re-tune, re-deletion of never-watched channels, and re-program of all scheduled recordings.....

    The second major disappointment in the compatibility stakes is that I had hoped that I could copy recordings from one Humax box to the other. This is a frequent requirement, as whenever we move from one home to the other, we like to take episodes of series that we haven't quite caught up with. We used to have a pair of Panasonic/Pioneer HDR-HDD boxes that allowed this, albeit clumsily using DVD-R or DVD-RW, and obviously at analogue and SD quality. The HDR-Fox-T2 will copy to USB stick, and I can play back from the stick again on the -T2 or on my Mac, but the FoxSatHDR doesn't recognise the stick. So, it seems there is some incompatibility in file formats or disk formats.

    So, can any of you help with either of these two topics? I have posted this in both the FoxSatHDR and HDR-Fox-T2 forums as it seems relevant to both.


    | Sun 18 Mar 2012 10:07:26 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Closing this one, as Graham as answered in your other post on same subject:

    | Mon 19 Mar 2012 8:58:52 #2 |

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