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HDR2000T keeps restarting - never gets to load

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    My HDR 2000T was working great until recently. Now it just goes from power on to Humax splash screen then reboots. It never loads in the software so I can't reset anything or even check any settings. I've checked the remote batteries are ok and replaced them and also checked over that the remote itself is clean so no sticky buttons on it. I've changed the cables ie HDMI and Ethernet. I've even tried a replacement power supply but all to no avail. Tried it on another TV as well. Nothing seemed to work.

    I did search to see if there was anything similar to my problem and tbh was disappointed that there were so many faults with the 2000T! Learned a lesson there to look a bit closer in future.

    If anyone has any ideas I can try before it heads off to the tip I'd appreciate it.

    - Apologies for the newbie post!

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 19:21:59 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scottishmovies - 3 hours ago  » 
    My HDR 2000T was working great until recently. Now it just goes from power on to Humax splash screen then reboots. It never loads in the software so I can't reset anything or even check any settings.

    First thing I would try is to disconnect the hard drive and see if it boots and performs as a set top box; if it does then the issue is with the hard drive.

    I did search to see if there was anything similar to my problem and tbh was disappointed that there were so many faults with the 2000T! Learned a lesson there to look a bit closer in future.

    I am puzzled why you think there are a lot of faults with the HDR-2000T? Users come to this forum when they have problems but I don't think there are significantly more issues with the HDR-2000T than other Humax boxes. Ours must be approaching 8 years old with zero problems (other than a faulty early production remote which was replaced by Humax free of charge with no fuss).

    | Fri 13 Aug 2021 23:26:22 #2 |
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    Hi Martin,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have removed the hard drive as you suggested but no change to the way the box performs.

    To be fair to Humax, I'm not really sure if all the posts on the forum are problems as I haven't looked at them all - and after all it's a piece of electronic wizardry so some boxes are bound to have issues at some point.

    But thank you for your suggestion to try the hard drive.

    | Sat 14 Aug 2021 10:14:03 #3 |

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