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HDR2000T programme guide button on remo

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    Hugh J

    Joined: Jun '14
    Posts: 30


    Following the last software update, it now requires up to ten presses of the guide button on the remote control to bring it up onto the screen.

    This is definitely not a battery issue, as all other buttons work fine. The trouble is that it seems to be getting worse, so the worry is that before long I won't be able to record anything.

    This never happened at all before the software update but began to happen immediately after.

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 15:11:18 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hugh Janus - 16 minutes ago  » 
    Following the last software update, it now requires up to ten presses of the guide button on the remote control to bring it up onto the screen.

    Does the LED on the remote flash every time the Guide button is pressed?

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 15:28:36 #2 |
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    Hugh J

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    Good point! I just tried it and the red button doesn't flash until I've pressed the Guide button many times. As soon as it does flash the Guide appears.

    What do you think this means?

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 21:14:49 #3 |
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    Hugh Janus - 43 minutes ago  » 
    Good point! I just tried it and the red button doesn't flash until I've pressed the Guide button many times. As soon as it does flash the Guide appears.
    What do you think this means?

    As your HDR-2000T is only 7 months old it means that you should contact the retailer and politely request a replacement remote.

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 21:59:41 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Hugh Janus - 42 minutes ago  » 
    Good point! I just tried it and the red button doesn't flash until I've pressed the Guide button many times. As soon as it does flash the Guide appears.
    What do you think this means?

    At a guess it's a remote control issue. Contact either the retailer or Humax for a replacement remote.

    | Sun 9 Nov 2014 22:00:06 #5 |
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    Hugh J

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    Thank you very much for the replies. I didn't think it would be a hardware issue, but two replies advising the same thing is good enough for me.

    | Mon 10 Nov 2014 0:43:44 #6 |
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    Hugh Janus - 12 hours ago  » 
    This is definitely not a battery issue, as all other buttons work fine.

    It's well worth while putting a new set of alkaline batteries in the remote and testing. Any brand of alkaline are good, zinc-carbon are rubbish and shouldn't be used anywhere.
    I've had remotes where certain buttons will work and other buttons won't work properly and it's purely been down to the batteries. It's not always dirty/sticking contacts or cracked/broken tracks that cause problems - the batteries should always be the first thing to check and also the easiest, don't assume just because the other buttons work that the batteries must be okay.
    If a new set of batteries don't help then as suggested seek a replacement.

    | Mon 10 Nov 2014 3:55:22 #7 |
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    Hugh Janus - 16 hours ago  » 
    The trouble is that it seems to be getting worse, so the worry is that before long I won't be able to record anything.

    If this happens before you get a replacement then you can still access the guide. Press MENU and then select 'TV Guide'.

    | Mon 10 Nov 2014 7:21:02 #8 |
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    Hugh J

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    I've just tried a new set of batteries and although the success rate is definitely higher, it's still a bit hit and miss (about 1 in 2 times now).

    I'll carry on using it, but will send an email to both Humax and Co-Op Electrical to register the problem on today's date, just in case it's a physical problem with the internal workings of the button that might get worse.

    Thanks again everyone.

    | Mon 10 Nov 2014 10:02:42 #9 |
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    Hugh J

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    I received the new remote control today and it has cured the problem instantly, so a big thank-you to both Humax and Co-Op Electrical (I'm not sure who got there first)

    | Fri 21 Nov 2014 16:53:17 #10 |

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