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HDT-2000T - Lost all recorded files

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    I've had my HDT-2000T for a few weeks now and it's largely been a good replacement for my Echostar super-thin PVR whose hard drive unexpectedly corrupted leaving the device operating only as a set top box (no recording, no pausing) - there was some distress at the time!

    I've had a few issues with partial recordings that are due to power loss (though we've not had power cuts and not switched it off much especially with recordings scheduled). Auto power off is now off, and I have found from this forum that re-tunes cause schedule deletion (at least I know).

    However, last night I got home and when I turned on the TV found that the HDD had decided to delete all recordings and demand to be re-formatted. I imagine I had about 15-20% of the 1TB HDD full. It seems to work ok (though I am yet to try a new recording and haven't yet completed the re-formatting), but I've lost a few recrodings I was looking forward to (but was home in time for Bake Off! so no panic there) and really don't want a temperamental device.

    Anyone else had this issue? I need a reason not to go and get my money back - I'm still in with a shot of that if I act soon...



    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 19:17:48 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Have you tried turning off the mains supply to the box for 15 minutes or so ?

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 19:59:18 #2 |
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    No. Will give that a try.


    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 20:52:19 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ncd_81 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Anyone else had this issue?

    We have had an HDR-2000T for just short of a year and have never lost recordings and the older but similar HDR-FOX T2 for approaching four years and that has never lost recordings. There are a few reports of similar problems but they are not wide spread. You may have a hard drive with a minor fault so you might consider getting the box exchanged. On the HDR-FOX T2 you can install custom firmware which amongst other things, has a tool to repair minor hard drive problems (force mapping out of marginal sectors) and to repair file system corruption. Unfortunately the custom firmware isn't available for the HDR-2000T at this point in time.

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 21:17:03 #4 |
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    Fully powered off the box for about 25 minutes.

    On re-start, the same message I saw yesterday popped up - I'd mis-remembered the details.

    It said:

    "The HDD storage must be formatted to use recording functions. Press OK to go to the Data Storage menu."

    Having got to the Data Storage menu there is no memory available (0GB free, 0GB used) which at least means the message is accurate.

    I suppose I can run the HDD formatting but would like to understand why this problem occurred and if there is any way to improve stability of my HDT-2000. Perhaps I'm hoping for too much!

    Thanks again for your help. If you (or anyone else) can suggest anything else I'd give it a go...

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 21:27:30 #5 |
  6. MontysEvilTwin


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    The box is no longer recognising the hard drive by the sound of it. It is possible that the hard edrive has failed or there might be a fault on the main board. I think you are going to need to return it for repair or replacement. You could try a factory reset (without formatting the drive) to see if that helps. This will reset the unit to defaults and start the installation wizard.

    Edit. To add, if the format storage option is not greyed out it may be possible to reformat the drive. But you will lose your recordings and I would not be confident in a box that behaves like yours has.

    | Thu 9 Oct 2014 21:54:20 #6 |

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